Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 22
Showing: Items 1 - 22
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Hotels)

Select Item Title Year Published
1993 Mobil travel guide, frequent travelers' guide to major cities. 1993
AAA tourbook Texas. 0
Becoming a WAVE partner. 1994
Characterization of Baseline Demographic Trends in the Year-Round and Recreational Populations in the Albemarle-Pamlico Estuarine Study Area. 1989
Energy Star buildings & Green Lights update. 1995
Environmental action pack for hotels practical steps to benefit your business and the environment. 1995
Environmental good practice in hotels : case studies from the International Hotel & Restaurant Association Environmental Award : green hotelier. 1996
Environmental management for hotels the industry guide to best practice / 1993
Federal hotel/motel discount directory. 1981
Florida tour book. 1965
Greening your property 1996
Growth effects of major land use projects / 1976
Hotel & motel red book : current May, 1982 through April, 1983 1982
Hotel & motel red book. 1886
Introducing WAVE - water alliances for voluntary efficiency : hotel water management for the 21st century. 1994
North Central Tourbook 0
Public Notification Handbook for Transient Non-Community Water Systems. 2007
Tourbook Michigan, Wisconsin. 0
Water Alliances for Voluntary Efficiency (WAVE) Program for Hotels and Motels. 1992
WAVE membership agreements / 1998
Wave-saver water management software. 1999
WAVE-saver water management software. 1994

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