Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 1941
Showing: Items 1 - 50
Your Search: (SUBJECT=History)

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Select Item Title Year Published
"Retained by the people" a history of American Indians and the Bill of Rights / 1994
"Sensitive but unclassified" and other federal security controls on scientific and technical information : history and current controversy / 2004
"Sensitive but unclassified" information and other controls : policy and options for scientific and technical information / 2006
"The Utes must go!" : American expansion and the removal of a people / 2004
'Cladophora' as Related to Pollution and Eutrophication in Western Lake Erie. 1973
... A biological survey of the upper Hudson watershed. Supplemental to Twenty-second annual report, 1932. 1933
1001 things everyone should know about African American history 2006
1491 : new revelations of the Americas before Columbus / 2005
1972 Fish kills : thirteenth annual report / 1972
1982 urban landslide disaster at Ancona, Italy 1987
1988 U.S. industrial outlook with expanded coverage of the services sector, construction, high-tech, and emerging industries. 1988
1991-1997 wildland fire statistics 1998
20-year report, 1959-1979 1979
25 years of the Safe Drinking Water Act : history and trends / 1999
40 years : EPA 40th anniversary : 10 ways EPA has strengthened America / 2010
50 years of ocean discovery : National Science Foundation, 1950-2000 / 2000
500 nations / 2004
500 nations : an illustrated history of North American Indians / 1994
70 years of accomplishment : report for years 1978-1979. 1979
A benefit-cost analysis of power in the ORBES region / 1977
A bitter fog : herbicides and human rights / 2014
A brief history of everyone who ever lived : the human story retold through our genes / 2017
A centennial history of the Ecological Society of America / 2015
A century of water for the West / 2002
A century of weather service : a history of the birth and growth of the national weather service, 1870-1970 / 1970
A changing Great Lakes economy : economic and environmental linkages / 1994
A citizen's handbook to address contaminated coal mine drainage. 1997
A climate of crisis : America in the age of environmentalism / 2014
A Coastal zone management atlas of American Samoa / 1981
A Commitment to watershed protection / 1993
A comparative atlas of America's great cities : twenty metropolitan regions / 1976
A dangerous place : California's unsettling fate / 2003
A day in October / 2005
A decade of discovery / 2008
A dictionary of ecology, evolution, and systematics / 1998
A different mirror : a history of multicultural America / 1993
A ditch in time : the city, the west, and water / 2012
A fierce green fire : the American environmental movement / 2003
A fighting force : African-Americans in the military / 2008
A global warning? / 2008
A green history of the world : the environment and the collapse of great civilizations / 1993
A guide to Ohio streams / 2001
A higher form of killing : the secret story of chemical and biological warfare / 1982
A history of coal mining in North Dakota, 1873-1982 / 1983
A history of Indian policy / 1973
A history of land application as a treatment alternative / 1979
A History of the automotive internal combustion engine. 1976
A history of the ecosystem concept in ecology : more than the sum of the parts / 1993
A history of the Geological Survey of Wyoming / 1986
A history of the National Library of Medicine : the nation's treasury of medical knowledge / 1982
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