Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 23
Showing: Items 1 - 23
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Histology Atlases)

Select Item Title Year Published
A colour atlas of the anatomy of small laboratory animals / 1992
An atlas of reproductive development in rockfishes, genus Sebastes / 2012
Atlas of descriptive histology / 1977
Atlas of experimental toxicological pathology 1987
Atlas of fish histology : normal and pathological features / 1982
Atlas of functional histology / 2000
Atlas of human histology 1974
Atlas of trout histology 1974
Atlas of vertebrate cells in tissue culture 1970
Cells and tissues by light and electron microscopy : microscopie photonique et electronique de tissus et de cellules / 1970
Early development of Xenopus laevis : an atlas of the histology / 1991
Fine structure of human cells and tissues 1972
Histological atlas of the laboratory mouse 1982
Histology : a color atlas of cytology, histology, and microscopic anatomy / 1980
Histology : a text and atlas / 1985
Histology : a text and atlas : with correlated cell and molecular biology / 2016
Histology of the Atlantic Cod, Gadus morhua an atlas = Atlas d'histologie de la morue franche, Gadus morhua / 1987
Light and electron microscopy of cells and tissues; an atlas for students in biology and medicine 1972
Microanatomy of cell and tissue surfaces : an atlas of scanning electron microscopy 1977
Microscopic anatomy of the dog a photographic atlas, 1970
The atlas of mouse development / 1992
The microscopic anatomy of the white rat ; a photographic atlas / 1968
The mouse brain in stereotaxic coordinates / 2001

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