Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 22
Showing: Items 1 - 22
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Histochemistry)

Select Item Title Year Published
Analytical Diagnosis of Pesticide Poisoning: Collection, Storage, and Shipment of Biological Samples. 1971
Animal tissue techniques 1967
Biotechnic & histochemistry : official publication of the Biological Stain Commission. 1991
Changes in Metal Concentrations in Hepatic Tissue in Hepatic Tissue in Some Liver Diseases. I. Assessment of Zn, Cu and Mn Concentrations in Necrotic Material. 1973
Histochemistry and Cytochemistry; proceedings. 1963
Histochemistry of nervous transmission. 1971
Histochemistry, theoretical and applied 1980
Histochemistry, theoretical and applied, 1968
Histological and histochemical methods : theory and practice / 1999
Humason's Animal tissue techniques / 1997
Immunohistochemistry 1983
In situ hybridization histochemistry 1990
Introduction to quantitative cytochemistry, 1966
Investigation of the Intracellular Distribution of Zinc and Acid Phosphatase Activity by a Combination of Histochemical Reactions in a Given Section (Issledovanie Vnutrikletochnogo Raspredeleniya Tsinka i Aktivnosti Kisloi Fosfatazy Putem Sochetaniya Gistokhimicheskikh Reaktsii na Odnom i Tom Zhe Sreze). 1972
Journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry. 1953
Metabolic control mechanisms in animal cells. 1964
Microscopic histochemistry; principles and practice. 1952
Molecular morphology in human tissues : techniques and applications / 2005
Practical histochemistry 1991
Selected histochemical and histopathological methods. 1966
Study of the Cholinesterases of the Canine Pancreatic Sphincters and the Relationship between Reduced Butyrylcholinesterase Activity and Pancreatic Ductal Hypertension. 1980
Tissue printing : tools for the study of anatomy, histochemistry, and gene expression / 1992

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