Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 40
Showing: Items 1 - 40
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Health Promotion)

Select Item Title Year Published
1990 health objectives for the nation : a midcourse review. 1986
21st century health care in Latin America and the Caribbean : prospects for achieving health for all = Atencion a la salud en America Latina y el Caribe en el siglo XXI : perspectivas para lograr salud para todos / 1998
Building successful indoor air quality and environmental justice programs : a program implementation guide / 1999
Communication for health and behavior change : a developing country perspective / 1993
Creating supportive environments for health : stories from the Third International Conference on Health Promotion, Sundsvall, Sweden / 1996
DDT wars : rescuing our national bird, preventing cancer, and creating The Environmental Defense Fund / 2015
Diagnosing challenges : health and the new millennium. 1999
Directory of Texas and national health promotion resources 2002
Ecological public health : reshaping the conditions for good health / 2012
Effect on in-home educational intervention on children's blood lead levels in Milwaukee : technical report. 1996
EPA wellness services. 1989
Facts versus fears : a review of the greatest unfounded health scares of recent times / 2004
Food marketing to children and youth : threat or opportunity? / 2006
Guide to environment safety & health management : developing, implementing, & maintaining a continuous improvement program / 2016
Health and community design : the impact of the built environment on physical activity / 2003
Health hotlines : toll-free numbers from the National Library of Medicine's DIRLINE directory. 1996
Health research strategy for health for all by the year 2000 : report of a subcommittee of the ACHR. 1986
Healthy people 2000 / 1991
Healthy people 2000 : midcourse review and 1995 revisions / 1996
Healthy people 2000 : national health promotion and disease prevention objectives. 1991
Healthy people 2000 national health promotion and disease prevention objectives. 1990
Healthy people 2000 review 1998-99. 1999
Healthy People 2010 {electronic resource} / 2000
Healthy people : the Surgeon General's report on health promotion and disease prevention 1979. 1979
Healthy people : the Surgeon General's report on health promotion and disease prevention : background papers 1979 : report to the Surgeon General on health promotion and disease prevention / 1979
Industrial hygiene survey, 123rd Tactical Control Squadron (CRP) OH ANG, Blue Ash OH 45242. 1974
Lyme disease : HHS programs and resources : report to Congressional requesters / 2001
Making health communication programs work : a planner's guide. 1989
Making health communication programs work : a planner's guide. 1992
Medicine in the twenty-first century : challenges in personal and public health promotion / 1994
NIH MedlinePlus the magazine. [electronic resource] 2006
Prevention for a healthier America : investments in disease prevention yield significant savings, stronger communities / 2008
Promoting health, preventing disease : objectives for the nation. 1980
Recipes for Healthy Kids and a Healthy Environment : Kids Building a Safer and Healthier Community. 2013
Recipes for Healthy Kids and a Healthy Environment : Kids Building a Safer and Healthier Community. 2013
Risk communication and public health / 2010
The economics of social capital and health : a conceptual and empirical roadmap / 2014
The hidden half of nature : the microbial roots of life and health / 2016
The occupational medical monitoring : program for EPA employees. 1980
Twenty steps for developing a Healthy Cities project. 1995

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