Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Hazardous wastes Incineration)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1997 proceedings Air & Waste Management Association's 90th annual meeting & exhibition Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 8-13, 1997. [electronic resource] : 1997
A & WMA's 101st annual conference & exhibition : integrating science and sustainability. 2008
A comparison of innovative technology for thermal destruction of hazardous waste / 1984
A Method for the analysis of polychlorinated dibenzo-para-dioxins (PCDDs), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in samples from the incineration of PCB waste / 1990
A profile of existing hazardous waste incineration facilities and manufacturers in the United States / 1984
A report on sea-level monitoring of the incineration of organic chloride waste by M/T Vulcanus in the northern Gulf of Mexico, Shell waste burn no. 2 / 1975
A study of PCB destruction efficiency and performance for a coal-fired utility boiler / 1983
A study of PCB destruction efficiency and performance for a coal-fired utility boiler. : Volume 1. Test and evaluation / 1983
A study of PCB destruction efficiency and performance for a coal-fired utility boiler. : Volume 2. Test protocol / 1983
A Technical overview of the concept of disposing of hazardous wastes in industrial boilers / 1985
Addendum to the Methodology for assessing health risks associated with indirect exposure to combustor emissions. 1993
Addendum to the regulatory impact assessment for proposed hazardous waste combustion MACT standards : draft / 1995
All fired up : burning hazardous waste in cement kilns. 1992
American combustion pyretron destruction system : applications analysis report. 1989
An evaluation of stabilization/solidification of fluidized bed incinerator ash (K048 and K051) / 1988
Analysis of modified wet-air oxidation for soil detoxification / 1988
Annual report on performance audit results for POHC testing during RCRA trial burns / 1989
Annual report on performance audit results for POHC testing during RCRA trial burns / 1989
Application of pulse combustion to incineration of liquid hazardous waste : project summary / 1994
Applying for a permit to destroy PCB waste oil / 1981
Applying for a permit to destroy PCB waste oil : volums I and II / 1981
Assessing Potential Effects of Incinerating Hazardous Wastes at Sea: Development and Field-Testing of the Marine Biological Assessment Sampler. 1987
Assessment of incineration as a treatment method for liquid organic hazardous wastes / 1985
Assessment of incineration as a treatment method for liquid organic hazardous wastes / 1985
Assessment of incineration as a treatment method for liquid organic hazardous wastes / 1985
Assessment of incineration as a treatment method for liquid organic hazardous wastes / 1985
Assessment of incineration as a treatment method for liquid organic hazardous wastes : Background report 4. comparison of risks from land-based and ocean-based incineration. Volume 2 appendices / 1985
Assessment of the impact of incineration of chemical wastes in the proposed North Atlantic incineration site on endangered and threatened species 1985
B & W cyclone furnace technology. 1992
Babcock & Wilcox cyclone furnace vitrification technology : applications analysis report. 1992
Babcock & Wilcox cyclone furnace vitrification technology. 1992
Babcock & Wilcox cyclone vitrification technology / 1993
Background document on the tentative determination to issue incineration-at-sea permits. 1983
Background information document for the development of regulations for PIC emissions from hazardous waste incinerators / 1988
Background information document for the development of regulations for PIC emissions from hazardous waste incinerators. 1989
Boiler hysteresis study : sorption and desorption of POHCs and PICs in a full-scale boiler under sooting conditions / 1990
Boilers cofiring hazardous waste effects of hysteresis on performance measurements / 1988
Capital and O & M cost relationships for hazardous waste incineration / 1984
Carbon filtration for reducing emissions from chemical agent incineration / 1999
Characterization of hazardous waste incineration residuals / 1987
Characterization of hazardous waste incineration residuals / 1987
Characterization of organic emissions from hazardous waste incineration processes under the new EPA draft risk burn guidance : measurement issues / 1999
Chemical and physical behavior of trace toxic metals in incinerators / 1989
Chemical stockpile disposal concept plan. 1986
Chemical waste incinerator ships : the interagency program to develop a capability in the United States 1981
Combustion emissions technical resource document (CETRED) / 1994
Combustion emissions technical resource document (CETRED) : draft / 1994
Combustion of chemical wastes for heat recovery / 1983
Combustion of hazardous wastes containing arsenic, lead, and mercury. 1994
Combustion technologies for hazardous waste / 1987
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