Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Hazardous wastes Environmental aspects)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1985-86 toxic substance discharges to the Niagara River 1988
1998 follow-up studies to ground water contamination detections / 1999
2-chloro-1,3-butadiene (Chloroprene) 1982
A biogeochemical and spectral analysis of vegetation affected by external abiotic agents : results of an investigation from Kitsap County, Washington / 1990
A citizen guide to reducing environmental risk / 1997
A positive future : hazardous waste management in the Pacific Northwest : October 19-21, 1987, Seattle Sheraton Hotel / 1987
A road to walk : a struggle for environmental justice / 1987
A study on disposal of campground wastes adjacent to Waldo Lake, Oregon / 1973
Abstracts from the annual meeting : Multidisciplinary Approaches to Environmental Problems, November 6 to 9, 1983 / 1983
Agricultural drainage in the San Joaquin Valley 1987
America's toxic protection gap : the collapse of compliance with the nation's toxics laws / 1984
An integrated geographic approach to developing toxic substance control strategies / 1981
Assessing the geochemical fate of deep-well-injected hazardous waste : a reference guide. 1990
Assessment of California 1,1,1-trichloroethane users' source reduction planning efforts / 1995
Assessment of hazardous waste mismanagement : damage case histories. 1984
Assessment of health effects at chemical disposal sites proceedings of a symposium held in New York City on June 1-2, 1981, by the Life Sciences and Public Policy Program of the Rockefeller University / 1981
Automotive repair environmental competency. 1997
Background document, surface water screening procedure / 1985
Bench scale fixation of soils from the Tacoma Tar Pits Superfund site : final report / 1989
Bench scale fixation of soils from the Tacoma Tar Pits superfund site : project summary / 1989
Cairo guidelines and principles for the environmetally {sic} sound management of hazardous wastes. 1987
Center Hill Solid and Hazardous Waste Research Facility : Overview. 1992
CERCLA/SARA environmental review manual / 1988
Characterization of chemical waste site contamination and its extent using bioassays 1984
Characterization of samples from hazardous waste site investigations. 1981
Chesapeake Bay Groundwater Toxics Loading Workshop proceedings / 1993
Cleaning up the Department of Energy's nuclear weapons complex. 1994
Cluster mystery epidemic and the children of Woburn, Mass. / 1985
Combustion emissions technical resource document (CETRED) / 1994
Commencement Bay cumulative impact study. 1993
Comparison of 1981-82 and 1985-86 toxic substance discharges to the Niagara River : executive summary / 1987
Complex cleanup : the environmental legacy of nuclear weapons production : summary. 1991
Complex cleanup : the environmental legacy of nuclear weapons production. 1991
Concentrations of industrial organic chemicals measured in the environment the influence of physico-chemical properties, tonnage and use pattern. 1988
Control of air emissions from Superfund sites. 1993
Control of fugitive and hazardous dusts 1990
Corrective action glossary. 1992
Crossing the waters a study of the water transport of bulk hazardous substances in Washington State / 1993
Damages and threats caused by hazardous material sites. 1980
Demonstration of the EnviroMetal Technologies, Inc. Metal-Enhanced Abiotic Degradation Technology. 1995
Demonstration of the TechTran Technology Palangana Uranium Mine Site Benavides, Texas. 1993
Developing cleanup standards for contaminated soil, sediment, & groundwater how clean is clean? : proceedings. 1992
Dioxin-containing wastes : treatment technologies / 1988
Draft environmental impact statement (EIS) for New York Bight cellar dirt disposal site designation 1982
Draft environmental impact statement : proposed regulation guidelines for the landfill disposal of solid waste / 1979
Draft protocol for groundwater inspections at hazardous waste treatment, storage and disposal facilities / 1985
Environmental aspects of stabilization and solidification of hazardous and radioactive wastes / 1989
Environmental assessment : at-sea and land-based incineration of organochlorine wastes / 1978
Environmental fate constants for additional 27 organic chemicals under consideration for EPA's hazardous waste identification projects / 1995
Environmental fate constants for additional 27 organic chemicals under consideration for EPA's hazardous waste identification projects : project summary / 1995
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