Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Hazardous wastes California)

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Select Item Title Year Published
AB 685 grant project report hazardous waste minimization program results and case studies / 1987
Aerospace waste minimization report 1987
Alternative technologies for the minimization of hazardous waste 1990
Alternative technology for recycling and treatment of hazardous wastes 1984
Alternative technology for recycling and treatment of hazardous wastes : the third biennial report / 1986
Alternative technology for recycling and treatment of hazardous wastes a biennial report / 1984
Alternatives to the land disposal of hazardous wastes an assessment for California / 1981
An assessment of the loading of toxic contaminants to the San Francisco Bay-Delta / 1987
An assessment of the loading of toxic contaminants to the San Francisco Bay-Delta : executive summary / 1987
Analysis of the potential benefits related to implementation of the California toxics rule : appendices. 1997
Analysis of the potential benefits related to implementation of the California toxics rule. 1997
Application to study the reduction of arsenic wastes in the electronics industry, AB685 grant program : final report / 1987
Assessment of California's largest hazardous waste generators' source reduction planning efforts 1998
Assessment of contamination from leaks of hazardous materials in the Santa Clara groundwater basin : 205j report 1985
Assessment of contamination from leaks of hazardous materials in the Santa Clara groundwater basin : 205j report 1985
Assessment of contamination from leaks of hazardous materials in the Santa Clara groundwater basin : 205j report 1985
Auditing for hazardous waste minimization--its role in California 1986
California hazardous waste directory the comprehensive industrial guide to the environmental services marketplace. 1991
California Hazardous Waste Reduction Program, grant application manual, RFP #90-SO19. 1990
California's exports and imports of hazardous waste 1986-1988 / 1990
Characterization of household hazardous waste from Marin County, California and New Orleans, Louisiana / 1987
Characterization of household hazardous waste from Marin County, California, and New Orleans, Louisiana / 1988
Chemical list of lists, by chemical name 1990
Deep dumps : an assessment of hazardous waste disposal in injection wells in California / 1985
Draft lead report 2004
Draft Orange County hazardous waste management plan. 1987
Economic implications of waste reduction, recycling, treatment and disposal of hazardous wastes : the Fourth Biennial Report / 1988
Economic incentives for the reduction of hazardous wastes : final report / 1985
Feasibility study for remediation of Landfill 26 : GSA sale property, Hamilton Air Force Base, Novato, California / 1988
Final report, waste reduction strategies for the printed circuit board industry 1987
Final waste soil treatment study : Celtor Chemical Works Site, Hoopa, California. 1986
Governor's Task Force on Toxics, Waste and Technology : final report. 1986
Guidance manual for complying with the Hazardous waste source reduction & management review act of 1989. 1999
Guide to oil waste management alternatives for used oil, oily wastewater, oily sludge, and other wastes resulting from the use of oil products 1988
Guide to the California hazardous material planning program 1987
Guidelines for the preparation of hazardous waste management plans 1987
Hazardous waste management and minimization guidelines for Los Angeles City Departments, Bureaus and Divisions 1989
Hazardous waste management plan for small-quantity generators : North Hollywood pilot study : guidelines for an operations plan for the recommended waste management scenario 1984
Hazardous waste management plan for small-quantity generators North Hollywood pilot study / 1985
Hazardous waste minimization audit studies on the paint manufacturing industry / 1987
Hazardous waste minimization audit study of marineyards for maintenance and repair 1989
Hazardous waste minimization checklist & assessment manual for paint formulators. 1991
Hazardous waste reduction : a step-by-step guidebook for California cities / 1992
Hazardous waste reduction checklist & assessment manual for pesticide formulators 1990
Hazardous waste reduction checklist & assessment manual for printed circuit board manufacturers / 1991
Hazardous waste reduction checklist & assessment manual for the metal finishing industry / 1990
Hazardous waste reduction checklist : automotive repair shops. 1988
Hazardous waste reduction guidelines for environmental health programs 1987
Hazardous waste reduction technology research, development, and demonstration grant program, fiscal year 1989/1990 : legislative report to the California Legislature, pursuant to Section 25244.11, Chapter 6.5, Division 20, California Health and Safety Code, Assembly Bill 685 of 1985, Farr, November, 1990. 1990
Hazardous waste survival guide a small & medium business resource for hazardous waste management & reduction / 1994
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