Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Hazardous waste sites)

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Select Item Title Year Published
"Control del cumplimiento de las normas para desechos industriales peligrosos" para inspectores de aduana : manual complementario del video / 1993
"No migration" variances to the hazardous waste land disposal prohibitions : a guidance manual for petitioners / 1989
"No migration" variances to the hazardous waste land disposal prohibitions a guidance manual for petitioners : draft / 1992
"Not in my backyard" a guide to selected U.S. Environmental Protection Agency databases on the subject of hazardous wastes, June, 1989 / 1989
1937 and 1949 supplement to photo analysis of the Aerojet-General complex 1953-79 March 1980 1980
1989 guide to superfund sites 1989
1989 status report on the hazardous waste management program in New Jersey : site specific information / 1989
1995 study of operation and maintenance costs / 1995
1996 Waste programs environmental justice accomplishments report. 1997
1997-1998 Waste programs environmental justice accomplishments report. 2000
2001 New England brownfields program summary & success stories. 2001
2003 hazardous waste report : instructions and forms : EPA form 8700-13 A/B. 2003
2003 New England brownfields program summary & success stories. 2003
2004/New England program summary & success stories. 2004
2005 New England brownfields program summary & success stories. 2005
2011 hazardous waste report : instructions and forms : EPA form 8700-13 A/B (OMB #2050-0024 ; expires 12/31/2014) / 2011
5th Forum on Innovative Hazardous Waste Treatment Technologies : Domestic and International. 1994
93/94 guide to superfund sites 1993
A comparative evaluation of two extraction procedures : the TCLP and the EP / 1992
A comparison of innovative technology for thermal destruction of hazardous waste / 1984
A Compendium of Superfund field operations methods. 1988
A geostatistical methodology to assess the accuracy of unsaturated flow models / 1996
A guide for assessing biodegradation and source identification of organic ground water contaminants using Compound Specific Isotope Analysis (CSIA) [electronic resource] / 2008
A Guide on remedial actions at Superfund sites with PCB contamination. 1990
A guide to developing Superfund proposed plans : quick reference fact sheet / 1989
A handbook for states on the use of compensation and incentives in the siting of hazardous waste management facilities / 1980
A legislative history of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (Public Law 99-499) : together with a section-by-section index / 1990
A management review of the Superfund program / 1989
A method for estimating fugitive particulate emissions from hazardous waste sites / 1987
A positive future : hazardous waste management in the Pacific Northwest : October 19-21, 1987, Seattle Sheraton Hotel / 1987
A preliminary evaluation of hydrology and water quality near the Tacoma landfill, Pierce County, Washington / 1985
A procedure for estimating monofilled solid waste leachate composition. 1986
A remedy for Superfund : designing a better way of cleaning up America : consensus recommendations / 1994
A Report on State/Territory Non-NPL Hazardous Waste Site Cleanup Efforts for the Period 1980-1992. 1994
A resource guide for MGP site characterization and remediation : expedited site characterization and source remediation at former manufactured gas plant sites / 2000
A road to walk : a struggle for environmental justice / 1987
A study of hazardous waste management priorities for categories of waste in Washington State : final report / 1986
A Subtitle D landfill application manual for the multimedia exposure assessment model (MULTIMED) : project summary / 1993
A Superfund guide to RCRA hazardous wastes : quick reference fact sheet / 1992
A Sustainable brownfields model framework / 1999
A synopsis of the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Program of Independent Occupational and Environmental Research conducted at Oak Ridge, Tennessee Department of Energy (DOE) facilities with funding from the DOE. 1999
A System for prevention, assessment, and control of exposures and health effects from hazardous sites. 1984
Abandoned mine lands : a decade of progress reclaiming hardrock mines. 2007
Abstract proceedings : Fifth Forum on Innovative Hazardous Waste Treatment Technologies, Domestic and International, Chicago, Illinois, May 3-5, 1994. 1994
Abstracts from the annual meeting : Multidisciplinary Approaches to Environmental Problems, November 6 to 9, 1983 / 1983
Abstracts from the conference Hazardous Waste '89 strategies for site cleanup : September 18-19, 1989, Spokane, Washington / 1989
Accelerating cleanup : paths to closure, Albuquerque Operations Office. 1998
Accelerating potentially responsible party remedial design starts : implementing the 30-day study. 1992
Accepting nonhazardous waste after losing interim status. 1985
Access Superfund : how to find information on hazardous waste sites in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington. 2001
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