Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Hazardous waste sites Leaching)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A comparative evaluation of two extraction procedures : the TCLP and the EP / 1992
A procedure for estimating monofilled solid waste leachate composition. 1986
A Subtitle D landfill application manual for the multimedia exposure assessment model (MULTIMED) : project summary / 1993
American national standard measurement of the leachability of solidified low-level radioactive wastes by a short-term test procedure 1986
An evaluation of stabilization/solidification of fluidized bed incinerator ash (K048 and K051) / 1988
Aqueous complexation, precipitation, and adsorption reactions of cadmium in the geologic environment 1992
Avoiding failure of leachate collection and cap drainage systems / 1986
Avoiding failure of leachate collection and cap drainage systems / 1986
Background document--ground water screening procedure. 1986
Behavior of metals in soils / 1992
Borehole sensing methods for ground-water investigations at hazardous waste sites / 1987
Borehole sensing methods for ground-water investigations at hazardous waste sites / 1986
Characterization of MWC ashes and leacheates from MSW landfills, monofills, and co-disposal sites / 1987
CHROMAT version 1.1, soil chromium attenuation evaluation model user's manual and technical reference / 1992
Compatibility of Ninth Avenue Superfund Site ground water with two soil-bentonite slurry wall backfill mixtures 1990
Compendium of waste leaching tests 1990
Composition of leachates from actual hazardous waste sites / 1987
Composition of leachates from actual hazardous waste sites / 1987
Consolidated GC method for the determination of ITD/RCRA pesticides using selective GC detectors / 1986
Control of water infiltration into near surface LLW disposal units / 1987
Copper dump leaching and management practices that minimize the potential for environmental releases / 1988
Copper dump leaching and management practices that minimize the potential for environmental releases final report / 1988
Descriptions of parameters and data (and typical ranges of values) useful for evaluation of migration potential at hazardous waste management facilities / 1982
Effect of capillarity and soil structure on flow in low permeability saturated soils at disposal facilities / 1987
Environmental performance assessment of coal combustion byproduct use sites road construction applications / 1995
Estimating leachate production from closed hazardous waste landfills / 1986
Evaluation of selected borehole geophysical methods for hazardous waste site investigations and monitoring / 1990
Evaluation of source term initial conditions for modeling leachate migration from landfills : project summary / 1993
Factors controlling minimum soil liner thickness / 1991
Fossil fuel combustion waste leaching code including the GMIN chemical equilibrium model and the HELP water balance model / 1993
Geochemical investigation of pyrite codisposal with sluiced fly ash and implications for selecting remedial actions 1995
Guide for the monitoring and enforcement of land disposal of soild [sic] waste. 1976
Investigation of test methods for solidified waste evaluation : a cooperative program / 1991
Leachate from hazardous wastes sites / 1983
Leachate generated by an oil-and-gas brine pond site in North Dakota / 1988
Leachate plume management / 1986
Leachate plume management / 1985
Manual : ground-water and leachate treatment systems / 1995
Migration of hazardous substances through soils : project summary / 1991
MULTIMED, the multimedia exposure assessment model for evaluating the land disposal of wastes--model theory / 1993
MULTIMED, the multimedia exposure assessment model for evaluating the land disposal of wastes--model theory : project summary / 1993
Multimedia exposure assessment model (MULTIMED) for evaluating the land disposal of wastes model theory / 1990
Predicting movement of selected metals in soil : application to disposal problems / 1990
Procedures for modeling flow through clay liners to determine required liner thickness. 1984
Procedures for sampling and analysis of polychlorinated biphenyls in the vicinities of hazardous waste disposal sites / 1982
Quality assurance of multi-media model for predictive screening tasks / 1999
Restrictions on the placement of non-hazardous liquids in hazardous waste landfills : statutory interpretative guidance (April 1986). 1986
Short- and long-term leach rates of solidified waste from a cylindrical container / 1981
Single laboratory testing of the toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) using conventional apparatus / 1986
Stabilization and testing of mercury containing wastes : borden catalyst / 2001
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