Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Hazardous substances Management)

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Select Item Title Year Published
13th Annual OSC Readiness Training Program : Response Contracts Basics. 2010
13th Annual OSC Readiness Training Program : Simple Steps to Better Presentations or "Check my rear end, I think he bored it off". 2010
ASTM standards on hazardous substances and oil spill response 1990
ASTM standards on hazardous substances and oil spill response 1994
Best Practices for Site Characterization Throughout the Remediation Process : Instructor Manual / 2016
Chemicals in the environment : public access information. 1997
Chemicals in the environment : public access information. 1997
Chemicals in the environment : public access information. 1996
DES Oversight Support : Planning, Competing and Administering Task Orders Under the EPA RAF Contracts: Participant Manual / 2019
Disposal of small quantities of pesticide wastes : recommendations for farmers and homeowners / 1983
Draft economic impact analysis (regulatory analysis supplement) for subtitle C, Resource conservation and recovery act of 1976 (RCRA) / 1979
Draft economic impact assessment for the proposed Toxic Substances Control Act (S.776). 1975
Economic impact analysis of hazardous waste management regulations on selected generating industries / 1979
Environmental remediation technologies (165.3) : student manual / 2000
Environmental response training program : schedule of courses / 1999
Environmental response training program : schedule of courses / 1997
Environmental response training program : schedule of courses / 2000
ESO Oversight Support : Planning, Competing and Administering Task Orders Under the EPA RAF Contracts: Participant Manual / 2019
Federal Facility Remediation Short Course. 2008
Federal Facility RPM Training : Participant Manual / 2018
Field standard operating procedures for air surveillance. 1985
Final report of "The Federal task force for hazardous materials management" of the Western Federal Regional Council, Region IX, August 1, 1973 to June 30, 1977 / 1978
Fundamentals of Incremental Soil Sampling. 2011
Fundamentals of Superfund : Instructor Manual / 2016
Fundamentals of Superfund : instructor manual / 2005
Fundamentals of Superfund : participant manual / 2013
Fundamentals of Superfund : participant manual / 2014
Fundamentals of Superfund : participant manual / 2011
Green Remediation : Opening the Door to Field Use. 2008
Guide to hazardous materials and waste management 1997
Handbook on hazardous materials management 1995
Hazard Ranking System : Exercise Book. 2015
Hazard Ranking System : Participant Manual. 2015
Hazardous materials and hazardous waste management / 1999
Hazardous materials and hazardous waste management : a technical guide / 1993
Hazardous Materials Control/Superfund : proceedings of the ... national conference / 1991
Hazardous materials management desk reference / 2000
Hazardous materials management desk reference / 2005
Hazardous Waste Management Seminar : proceedings of the Pennsylvania Environmental Council, Inc., Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, January 25, 1978. 1979
Health and safety eight-hour training (165.10) : student manual / 2000
IGEs for RPMs : From Scoping to Funding. 2017
Insuring and managing hazardous risks--from Seveso to Bhopal and beyond 1987
Introductory site inspection training : student manual / 2000
Managing Contracts : Focus on the Invoice: Participant Manual. 2017
Modernizing Site Cleanup Workshop : (Excerpted from EPA's Field-Based Technologies Training Program) Participant Manual. 2001
Practical management of chemicals and hazardous wastes : an environmental and safety professional's guide / 1995
Preliminary Assessment/Site Inspection : Participant Manual / 2015
Preliminary final economic impact analysis (regulatory analysis supplement) for subtitle C, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 (RCRA) / 1980
Proceedings of the ... annual Hazardous Materials Management Conference. 1988
Proceedings of the eighth annual Hazardous Materials Management Conference International : held as part of the Hazardous Materials Management Conference & Exhibition International, Atlantic City Convention Center, Atlantic City, New Jersey, June 5-7, 1990 / 1990
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