Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Showing: Items 301 - 350
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Hazardous substances United States)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Status report #3 on the chemical substances information network 1979
Status report #4 on the chemical substances information network 1979
Stolen inventory : EPA's plan would allow industry to pollute communities with dangerous persistent chemicals without notifying the public / 2006
Strategy of crisis response / 1983
Subsurface remediation guidance tables. 1991
Successful practices in Title III implementation : chemical emergency preparedness and prevention technical assistance bulletin : state of Florida ; District 5 LEPC, Florida ; Monroe County, Michigan ; State of Alaska ; subject index. 1993
Summary of criminal prosecutions resulting from environmental investigations : fiscal years 1983 through 1992. 1992
Superfund : EPA has not corrected long-standing contract management problems : report to Congressional requesters / 1991
Superfund's remedial response program. 1983
Superfund's remedial response program. 1983
Support document for the CERCLA 104 priority list of hazardous substances that will be the subject of toxicological profiles 1992
Support document for the National Priorities List / 1983
Symbol seeker : hazard identification manual / 1994
Synopses of federal demonstrations of innovative site remediation technologies / 1991
Synopses of federal demonstrations of innovative site remediation technologies / 1993
Synopses of federal demonstrations of innovative site remediation technologies / 1992
Teaching with databases : Toxics release inventory. 1998
Technical background document to support rulemaking pursuant to CERCLA section 102 : a report to Releases Control Branch, Office of Research and Development and to Emergency Response Division, Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency / 1989
Technical documentation for Determining harmful quantities and rates of penalty for hazardous substances : preliminary draft final report / 1974
Technical guidance for hazards analysis : emergency planning for extremely hazardous substances. 1987
Technologies and options for UST corrective actions : overview of current practice. 1992
The feasibility and desirability of alternative tax systems for Superfund CERCLA section 301(a)(1)(G) study : final report. 1984
The National Response Team annual report. 1989
The Toxic Substances Control Act : the initial chemical substance inventory and reporting for its revised edition. 1979
Toxic and hazardous substances, Title III and communities : a outreach manual for community groups / 1989
Toxic chemical release inventory risk screening guide. 1989
Toxic chemical release reporting; community right-to-know : final rule. 1988
Toxic chemicals : what they are, how they affect you. 1987
Toxic final report 12/98 : report of the Toxics Data Reporting Committee on the Toxics Release Inventory Program / 1998
Toxic nightmare, environmental perspectives. 1982
Toxic release inventory aggregate data : 1987-1989. 1991
Toxic substances : effectiveness of unreasonable risk standards unclear : report to the chairman, Subcommittee on Health and the Environment, Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives / 1990
Toxic substances and hazardous wastes presentations delivered at the Tenth Annual Conference on the Environment: May 8-9, 1981 at Airlie Association's Standing Committee on Environmental Law. 1982
Toxic substances and trade secrecy : proceedings of a national conference to investigate rights and responsibilities / 1977
Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) chemical substance inventory / 1979
Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) chemical substance inventory : 1990 supplement to the 1985 edition of the TSCA inventory : user guides and indices. 1990
Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) chemical substance inventory : cumulative supplement II to the initial inventory : user guide and indices. 1982
Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) chemical substance inventory : supplement 1 / 1979
Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) chemical substance inventory. 1986
Toxic substances control act : inspection manual. 1980
Toxics : management and reduction. 1991
Toxics release inventory 1987-1994 CD-ROM. 1996
Toxics release inventory : 1987-1993 CD-ROM user's manual. 1995
Toxics release inventory : 1987-1995 CD-ROM user's manual. 1997
Toxics release inventory : collection of 1989 data / 1991
Toxics release inventory : copper phthalocyanine compounds excluded from reporting requirements under the copper compounds category on the EPCRA section 313 list. 1995
Toxics release inventory : guidance for reporting toxic chemicals within the polycyclic aromatics compounds category. 1995
Toxics release inventory : list of toxic chemicals within ethylenebisdithiocarbamic acid category. 1994
Toxics Release Inventory : List of Toxic Chemicals within Ethylenebisdithiocarbamic Acid, Salts and Esters Category and List of Mixtures that Contain the Individually Listed Chemicals Maneb, Metiram, Nabam, and Zineb. 2001
Toxics release inventory : list of toxic chemicals within the glycol ethers category. 1995
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