Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 46
Showing: Items 1 - 46
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Hazard Ranking System)

Select Item Title Year Published
An SAB report : review of the Sector Facility Indexing Project (SFIP) / 1997
Closing the NPL book under the original HRS : quick reference fact sheet. 1990
Establishing an Observed Release. 1995
Establishing Areas of Observed Contamination. 1995
Establishing Background Levels. 1995
Evaluating ground water plumes under the hazard ranking system. : quick reference fact sheet. 1998
Evaluating Karst geology using the hazard ranking system. : quick reference fact sheet. 1998
Fact book : National Priorities List under the original Hazard Ranking System, 1981 - 1991. 1993
Guidance on setting priorities for NPL candidate sites. 1992
Hazard ranking system guidance manual : fact sheet. 1993
Hazard ranking system guidance manual. 1992
Hazard ranking system training : winter 1994. 1994
HRS documentation record training. 1994
Integrating removal and remedial site assessment investigations. 1993
Introductory preliminary assessment training manual. 1994
Introductory site inspection training manual. 1994
PA-Score (Preliminary Assessment Score) users manual & tutorial version 2.1. 1992
PA-Score (Preliminary Assessment Score), Version 1.0 (for Microcomputers). 1991
PA-Score (Preliminary Assessment Score), Version 2.1, 3 1/2 inch (for Microcomputers). 1992
PA-Score (Preliminary Assessment Score), Version 2.1, 5 1/4 inch (for Microcomputers). 1992
PA-Score Software, Version 1.0. Users Manual and Tutorial. 1991
Pre-remedial strategy for implementing SARA. 1988
Preliminary Ranking Evaluation Score (PREscore) Version 1.1 (for Microcomputers). 1992
Preliminary Ranking Evaluation Score (PREscore) Version 2.0 (for Microcomputers). 1993
Preliminary Ranking Evaluation Score (PREscore) Version 4.1 (for Microcomputers). 1996
Preliminary Ranking Evaluation Score (PREscore), Version 3.0, (3 1/2 inch, 1.44M) (for Micrcomputers). 1994
Preliminary Ranking Evaluation Score (PREscore), Version 3.0, (5 1/4 inch, 1.2M) (for Microcomputers). 1994
Preliminary Ranking Evaluation Score (PREscore), Version 4.0 (for Microcomputers). 1995
PREscore software : users manual & tutorial : version 1.0. 1991
PREscore Software: Users Manual and Tutorial Version 2.0. 1993
Ranking Hazardous-Waste Sites for Remedial Action. 1994
RCRA Special Study on Waste Definitions: Sites That Require Additional Consideration Prior to NPL Proposal under the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act. 1987
Region VIII Supplementary Guidance for Performing Preliminary Assessments under CERCLA 1993
Review of the Superfund Hazard Ranking System: Review by the Hazard Ranking System Review Subcommittee of the Science Advisory Board. 1988
Revised hazard ranking system : an improved tool for screening Superfund sites. 1990
Revised Hazard Ranking System: Background Information. 1990
Revised Hazard Ranking System: Qs and As. 1990
Revision to OSWER NPL policy "The revised hazard ranking system: evaluating sites after waste removals" publication no. 9345.1-03FS, October 1991. 1997
SI/HRS Information Bulletin. 1989
Site inspection prioritization guidance. 1993
Superfund Chemical Data Matrix (SCDM) - Database Manager (Read-Only Version) (for Microcomputers). 1997
Superfund chemical data matrix : data manager user's guide. 1996
Superfund chemical data matrix. 1994
Superfund chemical data matrix. 1996
Superfund Chemical Data Matrix. Appendix B Tables. 1994
Supplemental guide to video on Superfund site assessment screening : a national priority. 1993

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