Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 25
Showing: Items 1 - 25
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Hanford Site Wash)

Select Item Title Year Published
Aquatic bioenvironmental studies : the Hanford experience, 1944-84 / 1990
Atomic frontier days : Hanford and the American West / 2011
Atomic harvest : Hanford and the lethal toll of America's nuclear arsenal / 1993
Community relations plan for the Hanford federal facility agreement and consent order 1989
Distribution coefficient values describing iodine, neptunium, selenium, technetium, and uranium sorption to Hanford sediments 1995
Ecological behavior of plutonium and americium in a freshwater ecosystem : Phase I. Limnological characteristics and isotopic distribution / 1974
Effects of high-pH and high-ionic-strength groundwater on iodide, pertechnetate, and selenate sorption to Hanford sediments : Final report for Subtask 3a / 1998
Environmental monitoring of Columbia River sediments : grain-size distribution and contaminant association / 1995
Final Hanford Site Solid (Radioactive and Hazardous) Waste Program environmental impact statement, Richland, Benton County, Washington. 2004
Geochemical factors affecting radionuclide transport through near and far fields at a low-level waste disposal site 1995
Hanford : a conversation about nuclear waste and cleanup / 2003
Hanford Birth Cohort : autoimmune and cardiovascular disease in residents near the Hanford Nuclear Reservation / 2006
Hanford Site historic district : history of the plutonium production facilities, 1943-1990 / 2003
Hanford tank cleanup : a guide to understanding the technical issues / 1995
Hanford update. 0
Nuclear health and safety workers' compensation rights protected at Hanford : report to Congressional requesters / 1991
Nuclear waste : DOE lacks critical information needed to assess its tank management strategy at Hanford : report to the Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development, Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives. 2008
On the home front : the Cold War legacy of the Hanford Nuclear Site / 1997
Radionuclide adsorption distribution coefficients measured in Hanford sediments for the Low Level Waste Performance Assessment Project 1996
Radionuclide distribution coefficients for sediments collected from Borehole 299-E17-21 : Final report for Subtask 1a / 1998
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act : report on the tank waste remediation system (TWRS) program for the Hanford federal facility. 2000
Review of the final draft analysis of supplemental treatment approaches of low-activity waste at the Hanford nuclear reservation. Review #3 / 2019
Science and technology for environmental cleanup at Hanford 2001
Stigma and radioactive waste : theory, assessment, and some empirical findings from Hanford, WA / 1989
Vadose Zone transport field study : detailed test plan for simulated leak tests / 2000

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