Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Halocarbons)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Air Pollution Control Technology Seminar / 1981
Analysis of the environmental implications of the future growth in demand for partially halogenated chlorinated compounds. 1990
Atmospheric distributions, sources and sinks of selected halocarbons, hydrocarbons, SF6 and N2O / 1979
Atmospheric freons and halogenated compounds / 1976
Bioassay of trichlorofluoromethane for possible carcinogenicity. 1978
Catalytic dehydrohalogenation : a chemical destruction method for halogenated organics. 1987
CFC alternatives : 1990 International Conference on CFC & Halon Alternatives, November 27-29, 1990 ..., Baltimore, Maryland, USA. 1990
CFC alternatives proceedings of the International Conference on CFC & Halon Alternatives. 1990
CFC's, ozone, and health / 1980
Chemical data for predicting the fate of organic compounds in water volume 1: Technical basis / 1989
Chloro-organic water quality changes resulting from modification of water treatment practices : final report / 1986
Chlorofluorocarbons and their effect on stratospheric ozone 1976
Chlorofluorocarbons and their effect on stratospheric ozone : second report 1979
Chlorophenols and their impurities in the Canadian environment / 1981
Chlorophenols and their impurities in the Canadian environment : 1983 supplement / 1984
Compendium of body burden biomarkers for volatile organic compounds and halogenated hydrocarbons / 1993
Composition of leachates from actual hazardous waste sites / 1987
Development of a novel method for the analysis of haloacetic acids in drinking water / 2004
Development of exposure assessment methods for THM and HAA in water distribution systems 2001
Draft toxicological profile for bromoform and dibromochloromethane / 2003
EPA method study 24, method 601 : purgeable halocarbons by the purge trap method / 1984
EPA method study 24, method 601 : purgeable halocarbons by the purge trap method / 1984
Estimation of hydrocarbon stripping during refinery wastewater aeration / 1976
Evaluation of emission test methods for halogenated hydrocarbons. Volume II, CH2Cl2, CH3CCl3, CF2ClCFCl2, and CH2BrCH2Br / 1980
Field evaluation of EPA Method 0040 : (volatiles using bags) / 1998
Field test of a generic method for halogenated hydrocarbons / 1993
Field test of a generic method for halogenated hydrocarbons : SEMIVOST test at an agricultural chemical manufacturing facility / 1996
Field test of a generic method for halogenated hydrocarbons : semiVOST test at an agricultural chemical manufacturing facility, project summary / 1997
Field test of a generic method for halogenated hydrocarbons: a VOST test at a chemical manufacturing facility : project summary / 1995
Field test of a generic method for halogenated hydrocarbons: a VOST test at a chemical manufacturing facility using a modified VOST sampling method : project summary / 1995
Formation and removal of halogenated hydrocarbons in drinking water : a case study at Huron, South Dakota / 1977
Global distribution of selected halocarbons, hydrocarbons, SF6 and N2O / 1978
Guidance document for the halogenated solvent cleaner NESHAP / 1995
Halocarbons as halon replacements : technology review and initiation / 1991
Halocarbons, effects on stratospheric ozone 1976
Halogenated benzenes, toluenes, and phenols with water 1985
Halogenated biphenyls, terphenyls, naphthalenes, dibenzodioxins and related products 1980
Halogenated biphenyls, terphenyls, naphthalenes, dibenzodioxins, and related products / 1989
Halogenated hydrocarbons : solubility-miscibility with water / 1982
Halogenated solvent cleaners emission control technologies and cost analyses / 1990
Halon Fire Extinguishants. 1991
Health effects of halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons / 1979
Hydrocarbons and halogenated hydrocarbons in the aquatic environment 1980
Low Ozone-Depleting Halocarbons as Total-Flood Agents. Volume 1. Candidate Survey. 1995
Low Ozone-Depleting Halocarbons as Total-Flood Agents. Volume 2. Laboratory-Scale Fire Suppression and Explosion Prevention Testing. 1995
Mass spectral confirmation of chlorinated and brominated diphenylethers in human adipose tissues : final report / 1990
Metabolism summaries of selected halogenated organic compounds in human and environmental media : a literature survey / 1979
Metabolism summaries of selected halogenated organic compounds in human and environmental media : a literature survey : first update / 1980
Metabolism summaries of selected halogenated organic compounds in human and environmental media : a literature survey : second update / 1982
NTP technical report on renal toxicity studies of selected halogenated ethanes : administered by gavage to F344/N rats / 1996
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