Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Showing: Items 201 - 250
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Habitat)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Development of a provisional physical habitat index for Maryland freshwater streams 1999
Development of a Provisional Physical Habitat Index for Maryland Freshwater Streams. 1999
Diamond Fork System, Final Supplement to the Final Environmental Impact Statement 1999
Diamondback Track (Formerly Brackins Tract) Shoreline Restoration. 1992 Action Plan Demonstration Project. 1996
Diminishing returns : salmon decline and pesticides / 1999
Direct and Indirect Impacts of Urbanization on Wetland Quality. Wetlands and Watersheds Article No. 1. 2006
Distribution and abundance of predators that affect duck production--Prairie Pothole Region / 1993
Diversity and abundance of landbirds in a northeastern industrial forest landscape. 1995
Draft Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska, coastal plain resource assessment. in accordance with Section 1002 of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act, and the National Environmental Policy Act / Report and recommendation to the Congress of the United States and legislative environmental impact statement : 1986
Draft environmental impact statement for the revised land and resource management plan : Jefferson National Forest. 2003
Draft environmental impact statement on forest practices rule proposals for northern spotted owl, marbled murrelet, western gray squirrel. 1995
Draft environmental impact statement Platte River recovery implementation program [electronic resource] / also includes the Platte River Governance Committee draft program proposal documents 2004
Draft Environmental Impact Statement Spanish Fork Canyon-Nephi Irrigation System, Draft Wildlife Resources Technical Report 1998
Draft environmental impact statement/environmental impact report (EIS/EIR) for the proposed Bolsa Chica Project / 1992
Draft habitat conservation plan executive summary / 1996
Draft supplemental environmental impact statement and appendices on forest practices rule proposals for the marbled murrelet. 1997
DUCKDATA: a bibliographic data base for North American waterfowl (Anatidae) and their wetland habitats / 1992
Earth manual : how to work on wild land without taming it / 1985
Earthworm ecology 1998
Ecological Characterization and Functional Evaluation of Subalpine and Lower Montane Wetlands in the Albion Basin Region of Utah 1993
Ecological Condition of Coastal Ocean Waters Along the U.S. Mid-Atlantic Bight: 2006. 2009
Ecological condition of the Upper Chehalis Basin streams 2001
Ecological effects of the introduced cordgrass, Spartina alterniflora, on the benthic community structure of Willapa Bay, Washington / 1996
Ecological Revitalization: Turning Contaminated Properties Into Community Assets. 2009
Economic effects of critical habitat designation for the California Tiger Salamander in Sonoma County 2005
Economic growth and fish and wildlife habitat protection : the promise of low-impact stormwater management in the Portland, Oregon metropolitan region / 2004
Ecosystem approach to salmonid conservation 1996
Ecosystem Effects of Oyster Restoration in Virgina Habitat and Lease Areas. A Report to the Maryland Department of Natural Resources. 2006
Ecosystem engineers plants to protists / [electronic resource] : 2007
Ecosystem Models of the Chesapeake Bay Relating Nutrient Loadings, Environmental Conditions, and Living Resources. Final Report. (May 1, 1998-April 30, 1999). 2000
Eelgrass Distribution in the Great Bay Estuary 1981. Final Report. 2009
Eelgrass Distribution in the Great Bay Estuary 2003. Final Report. 2005
Eelgrass Distribution in the Great Bay Estuary 2004. Final Report. 2006
Eelgrass Distribution in the Great Bay Estuary 2005. Final Report. 2007
Eelgrass Distribution in the Great Bay Estuary 2008. Final Report. 2009
Eelgrass Distribution in the Great Bay Estuary for 2006. A Final Report to the New Hampshire Estuaries Project. 2008
Eelgrass Distribution in the Great Bay Estuary for 2009. 2010
Eelgrass Distribution in the Great Bay Estuary for 2010. 2011
Eelgrass Distribution in the Great Bay Estuary for 2011. 2012
Eelgrass Distribution in the Great Bay Estuary for 2012. 2013
Effect of Zostera japonica on the growth of Zostera marina in their shared transitional boundary 1995
Effectiveness of forestry best management practices in protecting fish resources of two national forests in western Washington 1989
Effects of forest structure on spatial distribution of American marten 1999
Effects of global warming on trout and salmon in U.S. Streams 2002
Effects of habitat characteristics on mussel growth in Padilla Bay, Washington / 1990
Effects of habitat enfancement on steelhead trout and coho salmon smolt production, habitat utilization, and habitat availability in Fish Creek, Oregon, 1983-86 1987
Effects of intensive forest management on the mammal communities of selected North Carolina pocosin habitats / 1994
Effects of mitigative measures on productivity of white sturgeon populations in the Columbia River downstream from McNary Dam and status and habitat requirements of white sturgeon populations in the Columbia and Snake Rivers upstream from McNary Dam : annual progress report, April 1993-March 1994 / 1995
Effects of streambank riprapping on physical features and brown trout standing stocks in Millville Creek / 1995
Effects of vegetation manipulation on breeding waterfowl in prairie wetlands : a literature review / 1986
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