Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 958
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Habitat)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1971 wildlife survey Prudhoe Bay area of Alaska. 1971
1997 Chesapeake Bay blue crab fishery management plan 1997
1997 revised forest plan : Targhee National Forest. 1997
2006 state of salmon in watersheds {electronic resource} / 2006
2008 New Hampshire Estuaries Project: Prime Wetland Designation Activities: 2005-2008. 2008
4th Bay of Fundy Science Workshop : opportunities and challenges for protecting, restoring and enhancing coastal habitats in the Bay of Fundy : proceedings / 2001
A comparison of plant succession and bird utilization on diked and undiked dredged material islands in North Carolina estuaries / 1978
A field guide to bacteria / 2003
A guide to the deep-water sponges of the Aleutian Island archipelago / 2011
A guide to the deep-water sponges of the Aleutian Island archipelago / 2011
A Handbook for habitat evaluation procedures / 1977
A low-risk strategy for preserving riparian buffers needed to protect and restore salmonid habitat in forested watersheds of Washington State / 1998
A marine and estuarine habitat classification system for Washington State / 1990
A marine resources management plan for the State of Connecticut. / 1984
A mathematical model of benthic plants in the Snake River / 1994
A method for ranking biological habitats in oil spill response planning and impact assessment / 1984
A model for fish habitat usability / 1982
A preliminary report on fish and wildlife resources affected by developments proposed for the upper American River Basin, California / 1956
A response to sprawl : designing communities to protect wildlife habitat and accomodate development / 1997
A review and synthesis of effects of alterations to the water temperature regime on freshwater life stages of salmonids, with special reference to chinook salmon / 1999
A review of fisheries habitat improvement projects in warmwater streams, with recommendations for Wisconsin / 1990
A review of forest habitat relationships of the Indiana bat / 2001
A river in common : the Columbia River, the salmon ecosystem, and water policy : report to the Western Water Policy Review Advisory Commission / 1997
A salmon-centric view of the 21st century in the Western United States / 2003
A selected, annotated bibliography of riparian area management. 1987
A sting in the tale : my adventures with bumblebees / 2013
A Study of dredging effects in Hampton Roads, Va. : final contract report / 1985
A Study of the Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Yampa River Drainage System, Moffat and Routt Co., Colorado 1969
A summary of NHEERL ecological research on global climate change / 2007
A survey of fish-community and habitat goals/objectives/targets and status in Great Lakes areas of concern / 1993
A survey of potential medical and veterinary diseases at habitat development field sites : final report / 1978
A Synthesis of biological data from the Strait of Juan de Fuca and northern Puget Sound / 1983
A users guide to the PATCH model / 1998
A water use assessment of selected Alaska stream basins affected by placer gold mining / 1986
Adapting Watershed Tools to Protect Wetlands. Wetlands and Watersheds Article No. 3. 2005
Addendum to the draft and final environmental impact statements for the Washington State Department of Natural Resources trust lands habitat conservation plan. 2006
Adopte Una Quebrada; Adopt a Stream.
Adopting a stream a Northwest handbook / 1988
Agroforestry : sustaining native bee habitat for crop pollination / 2006
Alameda Creek Watershed : historical ecology study / 2013
Alaska Fisheries Science Center essential fish habitat data inventory / 2009
Alaska habitat management guide. Arctic Region. 1986
Alaska habitat management guide. Southcentral Region. 1985
Alaska habitat management guide. Southwest Region. 1985
Alosine Species Team Background and Issue Briefs. Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management for Chesapeake Bay. 2011
Alternative Eel River projects and conveyance routes / 1972
Alternative futures analysis of Farmington Bay Wetlands in the Great Salt Lake Ecosystem [electronic resource]. 2010
American black duck breeding habitat enhancement in the northeastern United States : a review and synthesis / 1988
American Falls Subbasin Total Maximum Daily Load Plan: Subbasin Assessment and Loading Analysis. 2006
American wildcelery (Vallisneria americana) : ecological considerations for restoration / 1988
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