Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 3628
Showing: Items 751 - 800

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Select Item Title Year Published
Control of wood stove emissions using improved secondary combustion {microform} / 1984
Control Strategies for Set II Pollutants Kansas City IAQCR and S. Central Kansas AQCR. 1971
Control techniques for carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, and hydrocarbon emissions from mobile sources. 1970
Control techniques for hydrocarbon and organic solvent emissions from stationary sources. 1970
Control techniques for hydrocarbon and organic solvent emissions from stationary sources. 1973
Control techniques for hydrocarbon and organic solvent emissions from stationary sources. 1970
Control techniques for volatile organic emissions from stationary sources. 1978
Control technology evaluation for gasoline loading of barges / 1979
Control technology for asphalt roofing industry / 1976
Controlled and uncontrolled emission rates and applicable limitations for eighty processes / 1976
Controlled Evaluation of the Reactive Environmental Simulation Model (REM). Volume I. 1973
Controlled Evaluation of the Reactive Environmental Simulation Model (REM). Volume II. User's Guide. 1973
Controlled evaluation of the reactive environmental simulation model (REM); vol. I, final report / 1973
Controlling pollution from the manufacturing & coating of metal products. 1977
Controlling Pollution from the Manufacturing and Coating of Metal Products. 1. Metal Coating Air Pollution Control. 1977
Conversion factors for hydrocarbon emission components / 2005
Conversion factors for hydrocarbon emission components / 2010
Conversion factors for hydrocarbon emission components : NR-002 / 1997
Conversion factors for hydrocarbon emission components: NR-002b / 2004
Conversion of organic wastes to unleaded, high-octane gasoline {microform} / 1984
Conversion of Trash to Gasoline. 1978
Cooperative evaluation of techniques for measuring hydrocarbons in diesel exhaust : phase IV, 1972-1973 1975
Cooperative evaluation of techniques for measuring hydrocarbons in diesel exhaust-phase III. 1970
Correlation Between Benzo(a)pyrene-Induced Mutagenicity and DNA Adduct Formation in 'Salmonella typhimurium' TA100. 1983
Correlation of Carcinogenic Potency with Mouse-Skin (32)P-Postlabeling and Muta-(R)Mouse lac Z(-)Mutation Data for DMBA and Its K-Region Sulphur Isostere: Comparison with Activities Observed in Standard Genotoxicity Assays. 1993
Cost and economic impact assessment for alternative levels of the national ambient air quality standard for ozone / 1979
Cost and Emission Studies of a Heat Engine/Battery Hybrid Family Car. 1972
Cost of hydrocarbon emissions control to the U.S. chemical industry (sic 28) 1977
Cost-effectiveness analysis of the proposed revisions in the exhaust emission standards for new and in-use gas turbine aircraft engines based on industry submittals : technical support report for regulatory action / 1977
Crankcase emissions with disabled PCV systems / 1985
Criteria pollutant emissions from internal combustion engines in the natural gas industry / 1996
Criteria Pollutant Emissions from Internal Combustion Engines in the Natural Gas Industry. Volume 2. Appendices A-I. 1996
Critical Review of Air Pollution Dose-Effect Functions. 1976
Critical Review of Analytical Approaches for Petroleum Contaminated Soil. 1993
Critique of the 1975-1976 Federal automobile emission standard for hydrocarbons and oxides of nitrogen. 1973
Cumulative Impacts on Water Quality Functions of Wetlands. 1988
Current status of EPA office of mobile source air pollution control characterization projects: summary. 1981
Cyclopenta-Fused Isomers of Benz(a)anthracene Identification of Major Microsomal Metabolites. 1984
Cyclopenta-Fused Isomers of Benz(a)Anthracene II: Mutagenic Effects on Mammalian Cells. 1984
Czech Air Quality Monitoring and Receptor Modeling Study. 1997
Czech-U.S. EPA Health Study: Assessment of Personal and Ambient Air Exposures to PAH and Organic Mutagens in the Teplice District of Northern Bohemia. 1993
Damage Assessment Studies Following the NEPCO 140 Oil Spill on the St. Lawrence River. 1979
Damages and threats caused by hazardous material sites. 1980
Day of the Week Variations of Photochemical Pollutants in the St. Louis Area. 1977
Dayton Air Pollutant Emission Inventory. 1968
Deep-sea bacteria : growth and utilization of hydrocarbons at ambient and in situ pressure / 1974
Defect testing of five catalyst equipped Ford prototype vehicles / 1975
Degradation of aromatic hydrocarbons in an aquifer during a field experiment demonstrating the feasibility of remediation by natural attenuation 1994
Degradation of Halogenated Aliphatic Compounds by the Ammonia-Oxidizing Bacterium 'Nitrosomonas europaea'. 1990
Degradation of jet fuel hydrocarbons by aquatic microbial communities 1983
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