Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 3628
Showing: Items 701 - 750

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Select Item Title Year Published
Comprehensive technical report on all atmospheric contaminants associated with photochemical air pollution / 1970
Computational Studies of the 3-Dimensional Structure of Cyclopenta Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Containing a Gulf Region. 1992
Computer Automated Evaluation of Mutagenicity and Carcinogenicity of Selected Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons. 1989
Computer Automated Study of the Structure-Mutagenicity Relationships of Non-Fused-Ring Nitroarenes and Related Compounds. 1987
Computer Mapping as an Aid to Air Pollution Studies. Volume II: Individual Reports. Report H. Puget Sound Region Study. 1970
Computer modeling of simulated photochemical smog / 1980
Concentration technologies for hazardous aqueous waste treatment / 1981
Concentrations of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons and inorganic constituents in ambient surface soils, Chicago, Illinois, 2001-02 / 2003
Concepts and Applications of Photochemical Smog Models. 1971
Concepts in Improving Polychlorinated Biphenyl Bioavailability to Bioremediation Strategies. 1994
Conceptual design issues : developing a new highway vehicle emissions estimation methodology / 1991
Constitutive Degradation of Trichloroethylene by an Altered Bacterium in a Gas-Phase Bioreactor. 1994
Constructing Microbial Strains for Degradation of Halogenated Aromatic Hydrocarbons. 1988
Construction and demolition waste landfills / 1995
Contaminant emissions in the Los Angeles Basin--their sources, rates, and distribution / 1971
Contaminants and remedial options at wood preserving sites / 1992
Contamination of stormwater pond sediments by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Minnesota : the role of coal tar-based sealcoat products as a source of PAHs / 2010
Continuous air monitoring program in Cincinnati, 1962-1963. 1965
Continuous Air Monitoring Program in Washington, D. C. 1962-1963. 1966
Continuous Air Monitoring Projects in Philadelphia, 1962-1965. Compiled by Division of Air Quality and Emission Data. 1969
Continuous Air Monitoring Projects: 1962-1963 Data Tabulations and Summaries, Chicago. 1969
Continuous Air Monitoring Projects: 1964 Data Tabulations and Summaries. National Air Surveillance Networks: Chicago, Cincinnati, Philadelphia, St. Louis, Washington, D.C. 1969
Continuous Air Monitoring Projects: 1968 Data Tabulations and Summaries, Chicago. 1969
Continuous Air Monitoring Projects: 1968 Data Tabulations and Summaries, Cincinnati. 1969
Continuous Air Monitoring Projects: 1968 Data Tabulations and Summaries, Washington, D. C. 1969
Continuous Measurements of Particles, PAH, and CO in an Occupied Townhouse in Reston, VA. 1997
Continuous Monitoring of Total Hydrocarbon Emissions from Sludge Incinerators. 1993
Continuous performance monitoring techniques for hazardous waste incinerators (Report for January 1980 - March 1989 (Final).) 1989
Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor Investigation of the Gas-Phase Reaction of Hydroxyl Radicals and Toluene. 1985
Control assay development : methodology and laboratory verification / 1980
Control characteristics of carbon beds for gasoline vapor emmissions / 1977
Control of atmospheric emissions from paint and varnish manufacturing operations : a review prepared at the request of the National Paint, Varnish & Lacquer Association / 1958
Control of criteria and non-criteria pollutants from coal/liquid mixture combustion / 1984
Control of Criteria and Non-Criteria Pollutants from Coal/Oil Mixture Combustion 1983
Control of Emissions from Light Piston-Engine Aircraft. 1973
Control of Environmental Hazards in Water. 1971
Control of excavation depths at the Sikes Disposal Pits Superfund project. 1994
Control of hydrocarbon emissions from cotton and synthetic textile finishing plants / 1983
Control of hydrocarbon emissions from cotton and synthetic textile finishing plants {MICROFICHE} / R. Chandrasekhar and E. Poulin. 1983
Control of hydrocarbon emissions from gasoline loading by refrigeration systems / 1981
Control of Hydrocarbon Emissions from Gasoline Loading by Refrigeration Systems. 1981
Control of hydrocarbon emissions from gasoline marketing operations 1977
Control of hydrocarbon emissions from petroleum liquids / 1975
Control of hydrocarbon emissions from stationary sources in the California south coast air basin : final report, volume I / 1978
Control of Hydrocarbons from Tank Truck Gasoline Loading Terminals. 1977
Control of hydrocarbons from tank truck gasoline loading terminals. 1977
Control of NO(x) Emissions from Mobile Sources. 1972
Control of refinery vacuum producing systems, wastewater separators and process unit turnarounds / 1977
Control of volatile organic emissions from bulk gasoline plants / 1977
Control of volatile organic emissions from existing stationary sources / 1977
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