Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 3628
Showing: Items 501 - 550

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Select Item Title Year Published
Calculations and Coding of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Source Emissions in New Hampshire. 1979
Cancer of the Respiratory Tract: Predisposing Factors. 1985
Carbon monoxide and total hydrocarbon continuous monitoring at hazardous waste cites [microfiche] / 1990
Carcinogen Assessment Group's final report on population risk to ambient benzene exposures / 1979
Carcinogenic Activity Associated with Halogenated Acetones and Acroleins in the Mouse Skin Assay. 1989
Carcinogenic effects of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons 2005
Carcinogenic Potential of Petroleum Hydrocarbons Preparation and Analysis of Fractions with Cover Letter dated June 4, 1984. 1977
Carcinogenicity assessment of chlordane and heptachlor/heptachlor epoxide. 1986
Carcinogenicity of Black Rock Harbor Sediment to the Eastern Oyster and Trophic Transfer of Black Rock Harbor Carcinogens from the Blue Mussel to the Winter Flounder. 1991
Carcinogenicity of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and related compounds. 0
Cardiac Sensitization Studies in Dogs with Myocardial Infarctions. 1974
Case Study: Multipollutant Indoor Air Quality Study of 300 Homes in Kingston/Harriman, Tennessee. 1990
CASE-SAR Analysis of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Carcinogenicity. 1990
CASE: The Computer-Automated Structure Evaluation Method, Correctly Predicts the Low Mutagenicity for Salmonella of Nitrated Cyclopenta-Fused Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons. 1988
Casual misfueling of catalyst equipped vehicles / 1979
Catalyst activity test sequence (CATS) / 1984
Catalyst effectiveness of high mileage in-use vehicles / 1979
Catalytic combustion : a pollution-free means of energy conversion? / 1973
Catalytic Combustion of Hydrocarbons : effect if preparation method on catalytic activity / 1964
Catalytic Dehydration of Methanol. Phase 1 - Final Report. 1968
Catalytic Hydrogenation of Delta-3-Carene. 1967
Catalytic incineration of low concentration organic vapors / 1981
Catalytic oxidation of fuels for NOx control from area sources / 1976
Central Carolina Vehicle Particulated Emission Study. 2000
Certain polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and heterocyclic compounds. 1973
Certification of Clinical and Environmental Trace Organic RM's. 1980
CF Systems organics extraction process, New Bedford Harbor, Massachusetts : applications analysis report. 1990
CF Systems organics extraction system, New Bedford, Massachusetts. Volume 1. 1990
CFC Alternatives: Semi-Aqueous Cleaning. 1991
CFC's, ozone, and health / 1980
Champion International Superfund Site, Libby Montana : bioremdiation field performance evaluation of the prepared bed land treatment system ; volumes 1 and 2 / 1996
Champion International Superfund Site, Libby, Montana : bioremediation field performance evaluation of the prepared bed land treatment systems / 1996
Champion International Superfund Site, Libby, Montana Field Performance Evaluation. Bioremediation Unit: 'In situ' Bioremediation of the Upper Aquifer. 1997
Characteristics of a Fish Colony of 'Poeciliopsis' and Its Use in Carcinogenicity Studies with 7,12-Dimethylbenz(a)anthracene and Diethylnitrosamine. 1984
Characterization and Control of Emissions from Heavy Duty Diesel and Gasoline Fueled Engines. 1972
Characterization and control of gaseous emissions from coal-fired fluidized-bed boilers : interim report / 1970
Characterization and laboratory soil treatability studies for creosote and pentachlorophenol sludges and contaminated soil / 1988
Characterization and monitoring before and after source removal at a former manufactured gas plant (MGP) disposal site 1996
Characterization and research investigation of methanol and methyl fuels in automobile engines : first year report / 1976
Characterization of Air Particulate Material for Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds. 1983
Characterization of Air Pollutants Emitted from a Simulated Scrap Tire Fire. 1993
Characterization of diesel emissions as a function of fuel variables / 1981
Characterization of diesel emissions from operation of a light-duty diesel vehicle on alternate source diesel fuels / 1981
Characterization of emissions and fuel economy of in-use diesel automobiles / 1983
Characterization of emissions from a fluidized-bed wood-chip home heating furnace {MICROFICHE} 1984
Characterization of emissions from a methanol fueled vehicle. / 1989
Characterization of emissions from advanced automotive power plant concepts / 1984
Characterization of Emissions from Malfunctioning Vehicles Fueled with Oxygenated Gasoline-Ethanol (E-10) Fuel. Part 2. 2002
Characterization of Emissions from Malfunctioning Vehicles Fueled with Oxygenated Gasoline-Ethanol (E-10) Fuel. Part 3. 2001
Characterization of emissions from motor vehicles designed for low NOx emissions / 1980
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