Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 31
Showing: Items 1 - 31

Select Item Title Year Published
A fighting force : African-Americans in the military / 2008
A Legislative history of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990, together with a section-by-section index / 1993
Astronautics and Aeronautics, 1969 Chronology on Science, Technology, and Policy. 1970
Autopsy protocols of human cases / 1957
Behavioral Strategies to Bridge the Gap Between Potential and Actual Savings in Commercial Buildings. 2014
Bioremediation Strategic Technology Exchange Workshops; September 7-8, 1994 Denver, Colorado 1994
Case-Control Study of Bladder Cancer in Massachusetts Among Populations Receiving Chlorinated and Chloraminated Drinking Water. 1989
CERCLA/superfund orientation manual / 1992
CIS annual legislative histories of U.S. Public Laws / 1984
Climate and Land-Use Change Effects on Ecological Resources in Three Watersheds: A Synthesis Report. 2012
Climatic Effects of 1950-2050 Changes in US Anthropogenic Aerosols. 2012
Five Resource Recovery Success Stories. 1981
Florida hurricanes and tropical storms / 1997
Incident Response and Clearance in the State of Texas: Case Studies of Four Motorist Assistance Patrols. 1992
Integrated Probabilistic and Deterministic Modeling Techniques in Estimating Exposure to Water-Borne Contaminants: Part 2: Pharmacokinetic Modeling. 2001
Land Pollution: Strategies for Emergency Action. 1976
Legislative history of the master plan provision of P.L. 95-502 1981
Memo from Velsicol Chemical Corporation to US EPA re: Benzoyl Chjloride as a Carcinogen with Attachments. 1977
Nothing but praise : a history of the 1321st Engineer General Service Regiment / 2009
Progress in Aerodynamics and Aircraft Design in the Ukraine in 1920 - 1930. 1971
Regionalization options for small water systems / 1983
Rise of the rocket girls : the women who propelled us, from missiles to the moon to Mars / 2016
Sapiens : a brief history of humankind / 2015
Science advice to NASA : conflict, consensus, partnership, leadership / 2017
Statutory interpretation and the uses of legislative history : hearing before the Subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual Property, and the Administration of Justice of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred First Congress, second session, April 19, 1990. 1990
Superfund, a legislative history the evolution of selected sections of the Comprehensive environmental response, compensation and liability act / 1983
The Triple Nickles : America's first all-Black paratroop unit / 1986
Union list of legislative histories 2000
United States code congressional and administrative news. 1952
United States code congressional and administrative news. 1952
We shall remain : America through native eyes / 2009

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