Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 16
Showing: Items 1 - 16
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Grundwasserstrom)

Select Item Title Year Published
A theory for modeling ground-water flow in heterogeneous media / 2004
Aquifer hydraulics : a comprehensive guide to hydrogeologic data analysis / 1998
Character and evolution of the ground-water flow system in the central part of the western San Joaquin Valley, California / 1990
Flow and contaminant transport in fractured rock / 1993
Groundwater transport : handbook of mathematical models / 1984
Hydrological, chemical, and biological characteristics of a prairie pothole wetland complex under highly variable climate conditions : the Cottonwood Lake area, east-central North Dakota / 2003
Leachate migration from an in-situ oil-shale retort near Rock Springs, Wyoming / 1988
Methods and computer program documentation for determining anisotropic transmissivity tensor components of two-dimensional ground-water flow / 1987
Quantitative assessment of the shallow ground-water flow system associated with Connetquot Brook, Long Island, New York / 1988
Quantity and quality of stormwater runoff recharged to the Floridan aquifer system through two drainage wells in the Orlando, Florida, area / 1989
Questa baseline and premining ground-water quality investigation 18. Characterization of brittle structures in the Questa Caldera and their potential influence on bedrock ground-water flow, Red River Valley, New Mexico / 2006
Regional survey of structural properties and cementation patterns of fault zones in the northern part of the Albuquerque basin, New Mexico--implications for ground-water flow. [electronic resource] 2006
Relations of borehole resistivity to the horizontal hydraulic conductivity and dissolved-solids concentration in water of clastic coastal plain aquifers in the southeastern United States / 1994
Rock Fractures in Geological Processes / 2011
Simulation of flow in the Edwards Aquifer, San Antonio region, Texas, and refinement of storage and flow concepts / 1988
Water flow and solute transport in soils : developments and applications :in memoriam Eshel Bresler (1930-1991) / 1993

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