Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Showing: Items 751 - 800
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Growth)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Formulation of a generalized model for simulating aquatic macrophyte production 1975
Formulations of the plant-growth-stress model. 1989
Framework for Creating a Smart Growth Economic Development Strategy : a Tool for Small Cities and Towns. 2016
Free Smart Growth Publications from EPA and Smart Growth Network Partners. 2017
Free Smart Growth Publications from EPA and Smart Growth Network Partners. 2007
Free Smart Growth Publications from EPA and Smart Growth Network Partners. 2016
Free Smart Growth Publications from EPA and Smart Growth Network Partners. 2015
Frequency Distributions for Durations and Volumes of Rainfalls in the Eastern United States in Relation to Acidic Precipitation. 1984
Fresh Water Algal Growth Inhibition Study for Amines, bis(C11-14-branched and linear alkyl), Tungstates. 2012
Fresh Water Algal Growth Inhibition Test with Lumiere Pink 0245N using Aceton as a Pre-Solvent. 2005
Fresh Water Algal Growth Inhibition Test with Tetrabutylphosphonium Bromide; Cyphos 442 Phosphonium Salt. 2016
Fresh Water Algal Growth Inhibition Test. Final Report. 2013
Fresh Water Algal Growth lnhibition Test. 2013
Freshwater findings, 1967-1976 : research publications of the Environmental Research Laboratory / 1977
Frontiers in crystalline matter : from discovery to technology / 2009
Fungal walls and hyphal growth symposium of the British Mycological Society held at Queen Elizabeth College, London, April 1978 / 1979
Gene Expression in Pre-Implantation Mammalian Embryos. 1992
Genera Acanthosphaera through Cystodinium collected from eastern and southeastern lakes / 1979
Genera Dactylococcopsis through Gyrosigma collected from eastern and southeastern lakes / 1979
Genera Hantzschia through Pteromonas collected from eastern and southeastern lakes / 1979
Genera Quadrigula through Zygnema collected from eastern and southeastern lakes / 1979
General model of microbial growth and decomposition in aquatic ecosystems 1977
Genetic and environmental factors during the growth period 1983
Getting to smart growth : 100 policies for implementation / 2002
Getting to smart growth II : 100 more policies for implementation / 2003
Giardia lamblia: Stimulation of Growth by Human Intestinal Mucus and Epithelial Cells in Serumfree Medium (Journal Version). 1987
Global Climate Change and Diversity of Mycorrhizae. 1995
Greater Egypt Region Solid Waste Management System Analysis. 1974
Green infrastructure : a strategic approach to natural resource planning and conservation : course textbook / 2002
Green infrastructure : linking landscapes and communities / 2006
Green infrastructure : smart conservation for the 21st century / 2001
Greenhouse production of bedding and foliage plants with industrial heat / 1981
Growing by choice or chance : state strategies for quality growth in South Carolina. 2004
Growing Smart Legislative Guidebook: Model Statutes for Planning and the Management of Change. 2002 Edition. 2002
Growing Smart User Manual for the Growing Smart Legislative Guidebook: Model Statutes for Planning and the Management of Change. 2002 Edition. 2002
Growing smarter : achieving livable communities, environmental justice, and regional equity / 2007
Growing with Less Greenhouse Gases: State Growth Management Policies that Reduce GHG Emissions. 2002
Growth and diffusion phenomena : mathematical frameworks and applications / 1994
Growth and ecology of fish populations 1972
Growth and Food Consumption of Juvenile Coho Salmon Exposed to Natural and Elevated Fluctuating Temperatures. 1973
Growth and metabolism / 1984
Growth and mineral accumulation of submersed vascular hydrophytes in pleioeutrophic environs / 1972
Growth and Mineral Accumulation of Submersed Vascular Hydrophytes in Pleioeutrophic Environs. 1972
Growth and movement of shovelnose sturgeon in the Chippewa River, Wisconsin, 1972-1979 / 1996
Growth and Persistence of Pathogens on Granular Activated Carbon Filters. 1985
Growth and Reproduction of the Earthworm 'Eisenia fetida' after Exposure to Sublethal Concentrations of Metals. 1984
Growth and Reproduction of the Earthworm Eisenia fetida Exposed to Sublethal Concentrations of Organic Chemicals. 1990
Growth and Survival of Channel Catfish and Yellow Perch Exposed to Lowered Constant and Diurnally Fluctuating Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations. 1980
Growth and Survival of Developing Steelhead Trout ('Salmo gairdneri') continuously or Intermittently Exposed to Copper. 1984
Growth and Survival of Young-of-the-Year Emerald Shiners ('Notropis atherinoides') at Different Temperatures. 1975
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