Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Groundwater Quality)

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Select Item Title Year Published
208 areawide water quality management plan : 1979-1980 / 1980
208 areawide water quality management plan : Appendix A 1980 208 Plan Supplemental Information / 1981
A comparison of subsurface biodegradation rates of methanol and tertiary butanol in contaminated and uncontaminated sites / 1986
A demonstration of local/federal implemention of the EPA shallow injection well program in Missoula County, Montana : inventory, inspection, and closure of class V injection wells : final report / 1993
A Review of the literature on subsurface biological processes which affect the fate of chemicals in groundwater. 1990
A vulnerability assessment of public-supply wells in Rhode Island / 1999
Administrator's Guide for Solution Mining of Uranium 1979
Agricultural chemical use impacts on Kentucky groundwater resources : 1992 status report. 1993
Agricultural chemicals in ground water : proposed pesticides strategy / 1987
Ambient ground water quality monitoring cost analysis / 1997
Applicability of wellhead protection area delineation to domestic wells : a case study / 1995
Aquifers of Texas / 2011
Army groundwater modeling use and needs workshop / 1993
Arsenic-related water quality with depth and water quality of well-head samples from production wells, Oklahoma, 2008 / 2010
Assessing the experience of local groundwater protection programs / 1994
Assessment of sources of elevated nitrate in ground water in northwest Ada County, Idaho, using environmental isotopes / 1999
Background appendix to 208 areawide water quality management plan : 1979-1980 / 1981
Biological criteria : Research and regulation : Prepared for U.S. Environmental protection Agency / 1991
Borehole sensing methods for ground-water investigations at hazardous waste sites / 1986
Borehole sensing methods for ground-water investigations at hazardous waste sites / 1987
Calculation and use of first-order rate constants for monitored natural attenuation studies / 2002
Catalog of information on water data : station listings for pt. A, Streamflow and stage; pt. B, Quality of surface water; pt. C, Quality of ground water, water resources region ... 1973
Characterization of samples from hazardous waste site investigations. 1981
Characterizing groundwater recharge : a comprehensive isotopic approach / 2003
Chloride in ground water and surface water in the vicinity of selected surface-water sampling sites of the Beneficial Use Monitoring Program of Oklahoma, 2003 / 2004
Citizen monitoring : recommendations to household well users / 1990
Citizen monitoring : recommendations to public water system users / 1997
Citizen monitoring : recommendations to public water system users / 1990
CME training system / 1996
Comparison of two groundwater flow models-UNSATID and HELP / 1984
Comparison of water samples from PTFE, PVC, and SS monitoring wells 1988
Compilation of geohydrologic data collected as part of the areal appraisal of ground-water resources near Branson, Missouri / 1989
Conceptual frameworks for ground-water quality monitoring / 1997
Consecutive system guide for the ground water rule. 2007
Contamination of Groundwater Samples with PVC Adhesives and PVC Primer from Monitor Wells 1982
Database of well and areal data, South San Francisco Bay and Peninsula area, California / 1995
Definitions for the minimum set of data elements for ground water quality. 1992
Delineation of a refined wellhead protection area for bedrock public supply wells, Charlestown, Rhode Island / 1995
Development of a data base of community water-supply wells in New Jersey and a method of evaluate their sensitivity to contamination / 1997
Development of a Methodology for Monitoring Groundwater Quality. 1975
Drinking water inspector's field reference : for use when conducting a sanitary survey of a small surface water system. 2003
Drinking water progress review workshop for the 1995-1998 science to achieve results (STAR) grants : December 8-9, 1998, Arlington, Virginia / 1998
Economically efficient strategies for preserving groundwater quality 1982
Effect of irrigation on the chemical quality of low streamflow adjacent to Cedar Bluff Irrigation District, Kansas : a progress report / 1969
Effects of uranium-mining releases on ground-water quality in the Puerco River Basin, Arizona and New Mexico / 1997
EPA determination on the petition to designate the ground water resources of the Upper Santa Cruz Basin and Avra-Altar Basins, Arizona, under section 1424(e) of the Safe Drinking Water Act / 1982
Equus beds ground-water recharge project : preliminary results of water-quality samples collected by the U.S. Geological Survey, February 1995-September 1998 / 1999
Equus beds groundwater recharge demonstration project : summary of activities for calendar year 1999 / 2000
Estimation of shallow ground-water quality in the western and southern San Joaquin Valley, California : technical information record / 1990
Evaluating subsurface uncertainty using modified geostatistical techniques / 1997
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