Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 36
Showing: Items 1 - 36
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Groundwater Purification United States)

Select Item Title Year Published
A citizen's guide to permeable reactive barriers. 2012
A citizen's guide to pump and treat. 2012
Assessment of near-stream ground water-surface water interaction (GSI) of a degraded stream before restoration / 2008
Chemical enhancements to pump-and-treat remediation / 1992
Edible oil barriers for treatment of perchlorate contaminated groundwater 2005
Emerging technologies : Bio-Recovery Systems removal and recovery of metal ions from groundwater. 1990
EPA/ITRC/RTDF permeable reactive barrier short course. 2000
Find funding you didn't even know existed : Federal Funding for Utilities in National Disasters (Fed FUNDS). 2014
Five-Course Evaluation Summary : ITRC/RTDF Training Course: Natural Attenuation of Chlorinated Solvents in Groundwater / 1999
Funding for source water protection activities : federal funding examples. 2003
Ground water disinfection and protective practices in the United States : final. 1996
Groundwater and leachate treatability studies at four superfund sites / 1986
Groundwater contamination : DOD uses and develops a range of remediation technologies to clean up military sites : report to Congressional requesters / 2005
Guia para el ciudadano sobre bombeo y tratamiento {electronic resource}. 2003
Guidance on remedial actions for contaminated ground water at Superfund sites : interim final. 1988
Guidance on remedial actions for contaminated ground water at Superfund sites. 1988
Handbook for conducting treatability studies at superfund sites / 1989
In-situ bioremediation of chlorinated solvents in groundwater / 1994
Methods for evaluating the attainment of cleanup standards : vol. 2. Ground water / 1992
Multilevel pumping wells as a means for remediating a contaminated coastal aquifer / 1993
Natural attenuation of hexavalent chromium in ground water and soils / 1994
Occurrence and implications of selected chlorinated solvents in ground water and source water in the United States and in drinking water in 12 northeast and mid-Atlantic states, 1993-2002. 2006
Pilot study for the extraction and treatment of groundwater from a manufactured gas plant site prepared by Foster Wheeler Environmental Corporation, HydroQual, Inc. 1997
Principles and practices of bioventing / 1995
Proceedings, EPRI Workshop on In Situ Electrochemical Soil and Water Remediation 1994
Results of laboratory microcosm studies of the anaerobic biodegradation of chloroform in subsurface environments. 1996
Roadmap to long-term monitoring optimization / 2004
Slurry walls. 1992
State summary of soil and groundwater cleanup standards for hydrocarbons / 1993
Technical assistance document (TAD) for delineating "other sensitive ground water areas." 2000
Technical protocol for evaluating natural attenuation of chlorinated solvents in ground water / 1998
Technical protocol for implementing intrinsic remediation with long-term monitoring for natural attenuation of fuel contamination dissolved in groundwater / 1995
The state-of-the practice of characterization and remediation of contaminated ground water at fractured rock sites. 2000
Tracer-test planning using the efficient hydrologic tracer-test design (EHTD) program 2003
Tracer-test planning using the efficient hydrologic tracer-test design (EHTD) program / 1978
Wastewater treatment ponds. 1975

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