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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Groundwater Pollution Congresses)

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Select Item Title Year Published
AFO & GW 1998 : animal feeding operations and ground water : issues, impacts, and solutions : a conference for the future / 1998
Applications of GIS to the modeling of non-point source pollutants in the vadose zone 1995 Bouyoucos Conference proceedings, May 1-3, 1995, Riverside, California / 1995
Aquifer Reclamation and Source Control conference November 1990 / 1990
Biotechnology Workgroup for Department of Defense Soil and Groundwater Decontamination Applications 1991
Dense nonaqueous phase liquids : a workshop summary, Dallas, Texas, April 16-18, 1991. 1992
Evaluation of pesticides in ground water : developed from a symposium sponsored by the Division of Pesticide Chemistry at the 189th Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Miami Beach, Florida, April 28-May 3, 1985 / 1986
Ground water contamination : proceedings of the 1961 symposium : April 5-7, 1961, Cincinnati, OH. 1961
Ground water quality / 1985
Groundwater quality : natural and enhanced restoration of groundwater pollution : selected and reviewed papers presented at the Groundwater Quality 2001 Conference held in Sheffield, UK, from 18 to 21 June 2001 / 2002
Hydrocarbon contaminated soils and groundwater : analysis, fate, environmental and public health effects, remediation / 1991
Hydrogeologic investigation, evaluation and ground water modeling : proceedings of industrial and agricultural impacts on the hydrologic environment : the Second USA/CIS Joint Conference on Environmental Hydrology and Hydrogeology / 1993
In situ treatment of contaminated soil and water : proceedings of the 1992 U.S. EPA/A & WMA international symposium / 1992
International Containment Technology Conference : February 9-12, 1997, St. Petersburg, Florida, USA : conference proceedings / 1997
International Workshop on Impact of Waste Disposal on Groundwater and Surface Water : proceedings / 1998
Mechanisms of pesticide movement into ground water 1994
Metals in groundwater / 1993
Nuclear techniques in groundwater pollution research : proceedings of an advisory group meeting / organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency. 1980
Permeability and groundwater contaminant transport : a symposium, Philadelphia, Pa., 17-23 June 1979 / 1981
Perspectives on groundwater contamination : a conference for journalists : Asilomar, California, April 2-4, 1986 / 1986
Petroleum hydrocarbons & organic chemicals in gound {sic} water : prevention, detection, & remediation conference : November 29 - December 1, 1995, Houston, Texas. 1995
Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Organic Chemicals in Ground Water : prevention, detection, and restoration, November 4-6, 1992, the Westin Galleria, Houston, Texas. 1992
Proceedings of the Conference on Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Organic Chemicals in Ground Water : Prevention, Detection, and Restoration : November 15-17, 1989, the Westin Galleria, Houston, Texas / 1989
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Ground Water Ecology : Tampa, Florida, April 26-29, 1992 / 1992
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Biofouled Aquifers Prevention and Restoration / 1987
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Class V Injection Well Technology, September 13-15, 1988 / 1988
Proceedings of the NWWA/API Conference on Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Organic Chemicals in Ground Water--Prevention, Detection, and Restoration : November 5-7, 1984, the Intercontinental Hotel, Houston, Texas / 1984
Proceedings of the Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Organic Chemicals in Ground Water: Prevention, Detection, and Remediation Conference : November 11-13, 1998, Houston, Texas. 1998
Proceedings of the Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Organic Chemicals in Ground Water: Prevention, Detection, and Remediation Conference : November 12-14, 1997, Houston, Texas. 1997
Proceedings of the Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Organic Chemicals in Ground Water: Prevention, Detection, and Remediation Conference : November 13-15, 1996, Houston, Texas. 1996
Proceedings of the Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Organic Chemicals in Ground Water: Prevention, Detection, and Remediation Conference : November 17-19, 1999, Houston, Texas. 1999
Proceedings of the Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Organic Chemicals in Ground Water: Prevention, Detection, and Remediation Conference : special focus: natural attenuation and gasoline oxygenates : November 14-17, 2000, Anaheim, California. 2000
Proceedings of the Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Organic Chemicals in Ground Water: Prevention, Detection, and Remediation Conference and Exposition : November 14-16, 2001, Houston, Texas. 2001
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Ground Water Ecology : Atlanta, Georgia, March 27-30, 1994 / 1994
Proceedings of the Second National Symposium on Aquifer Restoration and Ground Water Monitoring : May 26-28, 1982, the Fawcett Center, Columbus, Ohio / 1982
Proceedings of the Third Conference on Hydrogeology, Ecology, Monitoring, and Management of Ground Water in Karst Terranes : December 4-6, 1991, Maxwell House/Clarion, Nashville, Tennessee. 1991
Proceedings of the Underground Injection Practices Council 1991 : Winter & Summer Meetings : Marriott Grand Hotel, Point Clear, Alabama, February 24-27, 1991, Bally's Hotel, Reno, Nevada, July 28-31, 1991. 1991
Proceedings of the Underground Injection Practices Council 1992 Winter Meeting : Marriott Bayfront, Corpus Christi, Texas, January 26-29, 1992. 1992
Proceedings, 1st Annual Groundwater and Soil Remediation R, D & D Symposium : January 30 and 31, 1991, Skyline Hotel, Ottawa, Ont. / 1991
Radon, radium, and other radioactivity in ground water : hydrogeologic impact and application to indoor airborne contamination : proceedings of the NWWA Conference, April 7-9, 1987, Somerset, New Jersey / 1987
Reactions and movement of organic chemicals in soils / 1989
Seminars on monitored natural attenuation for ground water. 1998
Subsurface contamination by immiscible fluids proceedings of the International Conference on Subsurfacae Contamination by Immiscible Fluids, Calgary, Canada, 18-20 April 1990 / 1992
Tailings & mine waste '95 proceedings of the Second International Conference on Tailings & Mine Waste '95 : Fort Collins, Colorado, USA, 17-20 January 1995. 1995
Tailings and mine waste '01 : proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Tailings and Mine Waste '01, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA, 16-19 January 2001. 2001
Tailings and mine waste '02 : proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tailings and Mine Waste, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA, 27-30 January 2002. 2002
Tailings and mine waste '98 : proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Tailings and Mine Waste '98, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA, 26-28 January 1998. 1998
Tailings and mine waste '99 : proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Tailings and Mine Waste '99, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA, 24-27 January 1999. 1999
The national assessment of the ground-water contamination potential of waste impoundments / 1980
Urban groundwater-- meeting the challenge selected papers from the 32nd International Geological Congress (IGC), Florence, Italy, August 2004 / [electronic resource] : 2007
Water and groundwater : papers from the 85th Annual Meeting and Exhibition / 1992
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