Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 92
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Groundwater Pennsylvania)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Appraisal of the ground-water resources of the Juniata River Basin : an interim report / 1966
Appraisal of the ground-water resources of the Upper Susquehanna River Basin in Pennsylvania : an interim report / 1968
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 1994 water quality assessment : (Section 305(b), Federal Clean Water Act) / 1994
Environmental geology of the Greater York area, York County, Pennsylvania / 1979
Evaluation of agricultural best-management practices in the Conestoga River headwaters, Pennsylvania : characterization of surface-runoff and ground-water quantity and quality in a small carbonate basin near Churchtown, Pennsylvania, prior to terracing and implementation of nutrient management / 1996
Evaluation of the ground-water resources of the lower Susquehanna River basin, Pennsylvania and Maryland / 1988
Evaluation of Uniform Tubes, Inc., Collegeville, Pennsylvania. 1986
Field investigation of mine waters in the northern anthracite field, Pennsylvania, 1964
Geohydrology and ground-water resources of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania / 1991
Geohydrology and water quality in the vicinity of the Gettysburg National Military Park and Eisenhower National Historic Site, Pennsylvania / 1989
Geohydrology of southeastern Pennsylvania / 2002
Geological controls on the sensitivity of headwater streams to acid precipitation in the Laurel Highlands of Pennsylvania : a thesis in forest resources / 1982
Geology and ground-water resources of northern Mercer County, Pennsylvania / 1976
Geology and groundwater resources of Monroe County, Pennsylvania / 1979
Geology and groundwater resources of northern Berks County, Pennsylvania / 1978
Geology and hydrology of the Mercer quadrangle, Mercer, Lawrence and Butler Counties, Pennsylvania / 1963
Geology and hydrology of the Neshannock quadrangle, Mercer and Lawrence Counties, Pennsylvania / 1963
Ground water in north-central Pennsylvania / 1939
Ground water in northeastern Pennsylvania / 1957
Ground water in northwestern Pennsylvania / 1936
Ground water in south-central Pennsylvania, 1938
Ground water in southeastern Pennsylvania / 1934
Ground water in southwestern Pennsylvania / 1933
Ground water program for Pennsylvania. 1956
Ground water quality protection strategy / 1992
Ground water resources of Bucks County, Pennsylvania / 1955
Ground water resources of the Lansdale area, Pennsylvania / 1955
Ground-water levels in the Cockeysville marble of southern Chester County, Pennsylvania, 1983-84 1985
Ground-water levels in the Lower Paleozoic carbonate rocks of Western Chester Valley, Chester County, Pennsylvania, November 1984 1985
Ground-water resources of Beaver County, Pennsylvania / 1951
Ground-water resources of central and southern York County, Pennsylvania / 1977
Ground-water resources of Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania / 1975
Ground-water resources of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, 1971
Ground-water resources of Pennsylvania / 1941
Ground-water resources of the Brunswick formation in Montgomery and Berks Counties, Pennsylvania / 1965
Ground-water resources of the Coastal Plain area of southeastern Pennsylvania : with special reference to the effects of human activities on the quality of water in the Coastal Plain sediments / 1961
Ground-water resources of the Loysville and Mifflintown quadrangles in south-central Pennsylvania / 1970
Ground-water resources of valley-fill deposits of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, 1949
Groundwater and geology of the Cumberland Valley, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania / 1981
Groundwater resources in and near the anthracite basins of Schuylkill and adjacent counties, Pennsylvania / 1991
Groundwater resources in the Cumberland and Contiguous valleys of Franklin County, Pennsylvania / 1982
Groundwater resources of Cambria County, Pennsylvania / 1998
Groundwater resources of Delaware County, Pennsylvania / 1996
Groundwater resources of Erie County, Pennsylvania / 1987
Groundwater resources of Fayette County, Pennsylvania 1988
Groundwater resources of Pike County, Pennsylvania 1989
Groundwater resources of the Berwick-Bloomsburg-Danville area, east-central Pennsylvania / 1988
Groundwater resources of the DuBois area, Clearfield and Jefferson Counties, Pennsylvania / 1979
Groundwater resources of the Gettysburg and Hammer Creek formations, southeastern Pennsylvania / 1980
Groundwater resources of the Juniata River Basin, Pennsylvania / 1982
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