Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 35
Showing: Items 1 - 35
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Groundwater Oregon)

Select Item Title Year Published
A description of aquifer units in eastern Oregon / 1985
A description of aquifer units in western Oregon / 1983
Availability of ground water in the Grants Pass area, Josephine County, Oregon 1973
Bibliography of hydrogeology for the Willamette Valley, Oregon 1992
Effect of tectonic structure on the occurrence of ground water in the basalt of the Columbia River Group of the Dalles area, Oregon and Washington, 1969
Evaluation of Chem-Security Systems, Inc., Arlington, Oregon Facility, Arlington, Oregon / 1986
Geologic framework of the Willamette Lowland Aquifer system, Oregon and Washington / 1998
Geology and ground water of the Tualatin Valley, Oregon / 1965
Geology and ground-water resources of the upper Grande Ronde River Basin, Union County, Oregon / 1964
Geology and water resources of the Upper McKenzie Valley, Oregon 1929
Geothermal hydrology of Warner Valley, Oregon : a reconnaissance study / 1981
Ground water atlas of the United States Idaho, Oregon, Washington / 1994
Ground water in the Corvallis-Albany area, central Willamette Valley, Oregon / 1974
Ground water in the Eola-Amity Hills area, northern Willamette Valley, Oregon / 1967
Ground water in the Eugene-Springfield area, southern Willamette Valley, Oregon / 1973
Ground water in the Harrisburg-Halsey area, southern Willamette Valley, Oregon / 1976
Ground-water and water-chemistry data for the Willamette Basin, Oregon 2000
Ground-water levels. 1963
Ground-water pumpage from the Columbia Plateau, Washington and Oregon, 1945 to 1984 / 1992
Ground-water reconnaissance in the Burnt River Valley area, Oregon / 1967
Halsey, Oregon preliminary estimate of economic growth, 1960-2010 / 1962
Hydrogeologic framework of the Willamette Lowland Aquifer system, Oregon and Washington 1998
Oregon ground-water quality and its relation to hydrogeologic factors : a statistical approach / 1984
Pesticide and nitrate contamination of ground water near Ontario, Oregon / 1986
Plan of study for the regional aquifer-system analysis of the Snake River Plain, Idaho and eastern Oregon 1981
Records of wells and springs, water levels and chemical quality of ground water in the east Portland area, Oregon / 1964
Records of wells, water levels and chemial quality of ground water in the French Prairie-Mission Bottom area, northern Willamette Valley, Oregon / 1961
Records of wells, water levels and chemical quality of ground water in the Molalla-Salem slope area, northern Willamette Valley, Oregon / 1963
Records of wells, water levels, and chemical quality of water in the Lower Santiam River Basin, Middle Willamette Valley, Oregon / 1968
Resource document for consideration of the North Florence dunal aquifer as a sole source aquifer 1987
Success in brief : criminal suit for environmental pollution settled against ranch owner. 1993
Support document for designation of the North Florence dunal aquifer as a sole source aquifer 1987
Water resources data Oregon. 1981
Water resources of the Warm Springs Indian Reservation, Oregon / 1976
Willamette Basin, Oregon : nitrogen in streams and ground water, 1980-90 / 1996

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