Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 24
Showing: Items 1 - 24
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Groundwater New Jersey)

Select Item Title Year Published
Development of a data base of community water-supply wells in New Jersey and a method of evaluate their sensitivity to contamination / 1997
Digital computer simulation model of the Englishtown aquifer in the northern Coastal Plain of New Jersey / 1977
Evaluation of E.I. DuPont DeNemour and Company, Deepwater, New Jersey / 1987
Evaluation of Rollins Environmental Services, Bridgeport, N.J. 1988
Evaluation of saltwater intrusion and travel time in the Atlantic City 800-foot sand, Cape May County, New Jersey, 1992, by use of a coupled-model approach and flow-path analysis 1996
Evaluation of water levels in major aquifers of the New Jersey coastal plain, 1978 / 1983
Factual data for public-supply wells and selected irrigation wells in Monmouth County, New Jersey / 1960
Geohydrology of the Englishtown Formation in the northern coastal plain of New Jersey / 1977
Ground-water indicator pilot study in the state of New Jersey. 1991
Ground-water indicators state pilot studies for Idaho, Minnesota, and New Jersey : findings report. 1991
Ground-water quality in east-central New Jersey, and a plan for sampling networks 1986
Ground-water withdrawals from the Coastal Plain of New Jersey, 1956-80 / 1984
Hydrogeologic conditions in the coastal plain of New Jersey / 1981
Hydrogeologic framework of the New Jersey coastal plain / 1984
Hydrogeology of, and ground-water quality in, the Potomac-Raritan-Magothy aquifer system in the Logan Township Region, Gloucester and Salem counties, New Jersey / 1991
Induced infiltration from the Rockaway River and water chemistry in a stratified-drift aquifer at Dover, New Jersey 1999
Laboratory report on hydrologic and physical properties of water-bearing sediments Wharton Tract, New Jersey 1958
Physical analysis of the outflow from an unconfined aquifer : a thesis / 1969
Public water supplies in Gloucester County, N.J. / 1963
Records of wells and ground-water quality in Burlington County, New Jersey, a preliminary report. 1962
Records of wells and ground-water quality in Camden County, N.J., with special reference to public water supplies, a preliminary report. 1963
Relation of nitrate concentrations in ground water to well depth, well use, and land use in Franklin Township, Gloucester County, New Jersey, 1970-85 1995
Summary of ground-water resources of Atlantic County, New Jersey, with special reference to public water supplies, 1968
Water quality of the Potomac-Raritan-Magothy aquifer system in the coastal plain, west-central New Jersey / 1994

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