Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 34
Showing: Items 1 - 34

Select Item Title Year Published
Assessing the experience of local groundwater protection programs / 1994
Changing practices in ground water management : the pros and cons of regulation : proceedings, eighteenth biennial Conference on Ground Water, September 16-17, 1991, Sacramento, California / 1992
Colorado's ground-water problems. Water and the law. 1960
Gasland : Can you light your water on fire? / 2010
Ground water and the law / 1961
Ground water handbook / 1989
Ground water report to the nation : a call to action / 2007
Ground-water monitoring evaluation : Wayne Disposal, Inc. Belleville, Michigan. 1986
Groundwater management in the West / 1999
Groundwater pollution features of federal and state statutes and regulations / 1973
Handbook of groundwater protection / 1988
In the matter of : underground injection control regulations. 1981
Industry guide to closure, post-closure, groundwater monitoring and financial requirements under RCRA / 1982
Interpretation and current status of groundwater rights / 1960
Planning workshops to develop recommendations for a ground water protection strategy appendices. 1980
Primer regarding certain provisions of the Illinois groundwater protection act 1988
Public hearing : underground injection control regulations. 1981
Public hearing : underground injection control regulations. 1979
RCRA permit writer's manual ground-water protection 40 CFR Part 264 Subpart F / 1983
Safe Drinking Water Act, Section 1429 : ground water report to Congress. 1999
Sole source aquifer designation : petitioner guidance. 1989
Sole source aquifer designation : petitioner guidance. 1987
Sole source aquifer designation : petitioner guidance. 1995
Southwestern groundwater law: a textual and bibliographic interpretation, 1974
State groundwater regulation : guide to laws, standards, and risk assessment / 1994
Survey of state ground-water quality protection legislation enacted from 1985 through 1987 / 1988
Survey of state ground-water quality protection legislation, 1985. 1987
Systematic design of legal regulations for optimal surface-groundwater usage - Phase I, 1973
UIC inspector certification course : EPA Region IV, Atlanta, GA May 5-8, 1992. 1992
Underground injection control program : certification course examination. 1985
Water rights in areas of ground-water mining / 1955
Water withdrawal rights : an overview of Ohio water withdrawal law / 1991
Workshop on guidance for the wellhead protection and sole source aquifer demonstration programs : hydrogeologic criteria. 1987
Workshop on guidance for the wellhead protection and sole source aquifer demonstration programs : management protection plans. 1987

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