Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 15
Showing: Items 1 - 15
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Groundwater Air sparging)

Select Item Title Year Published
A citizen's guide to soil vapor extraction and air sparging. 2012
Air sparging / 1996
Air sparging : a project manager's guide / 2002
Air sparging guidance document : final. 2001
Analysis of the expected economic impacts of the proposed UIC regulations. 1980
Assessing UST corrective action technologies : lessons learned about in situ air sparging at the Denison Avenue site, Cleveland, Ohio : project summary / 1995
Documentation of AIR3D, an adaptation of the ground-water-flow code MODFLOW to simulate three-dimensional air flow in the unsaturated zone / 1995
Groundwater remediation for UST sites : in situ air sparging with soil vapor extraction. 1993
Groundwater remediation for UST sites : in situ bioventing combined with low flow air sparging (biosparging). 1993
Guia del ciudadano para la extraccion de vapores de los suelos y la aeracion 2001
In situ aeration : air sparging, bioventing, and related remediation processes / 1995
Parallel evaluation of air-and oxygen-activated sludge / 1981
Potential production impacts from the underground injection control regulations. 1979
Remediation of hazardous wastes through in situ surfactant flushing and sparging / 1993
SITE technology capsule : NoVOCs evaluation at NAS North Island. 2000

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