Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 26
Showing: Items 1 - 26
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Groundwater flow Measurement)

Select Item Title Year Published
A graphical kernel system (GKS) version of computer program modpath-plot for displaying path lines generated from the U.S. Geological Survey three-dimensional ground-water flow model / 1990
Aquifer testing design and analysis of pumping and slug tests / 1991
ASTM standards on analysis of hydrologic parameters and ground water modeling 1996
ASTM standards on design and planning for ground water and vadose zone investigations 1996
ASTM standards on ground water and vadose zone investigation 1992
Computation of rate and volume of stream depletion by wells 1970
Design, performance, and analysis of slug tests 1998
Development and demonstration of a bidirectional advective flux meter for sediment-water interface [electronic resource] / 2006
Easy to use tables of specific capacity 2000
Final report to Great Lakes Program Office, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on development and deployment of a combined geophysical and hydrological system for the determination of ground-water flux through bottom sediments of lakes, harbors and rivers 1992
Groundwater pumping tests : design & analysis / 1987
Hydraulic behaviour of an unconfined aquifer 1979
Hydraulic single-borehole techniques for characterizing hydraulic conductivity in highly permeable aquifers : slug test, borehole flowmeter test, and dipole-flow test / 2000
Methods of flow measurement in well bores / 1974
Numerical modeling of stream-groundwater interactions, near-stream flowpaths, and hyporheic zone hydrodynamics of two first-order mountain stream-aquifer systems / 1995
Proceedings of the Conference on New Field Techniques for Quantifying the Physical and Chemical Properties of Heterogeneous Aquifers, March 20-23, 1989, The Summit Hotel, Dallas, Texas 1989
Relations of borehole resistivity to the horizontal hydraulic conductivity and dissolved-solids concentration in water of clastic coastal plain aquifers in the southeastern United States / 1994
Seepage flows-groundwater pollution investigations 1975
Simulation of groundwater flow in the aquifer system of the Anacostia River and surrounding watersheds, Washington, D.C., Maryland, and Virginia / 2021
Site assessment and remediation handbook / 2003
Slug tests in unconfined aquifers 1993
Studies of ground-water movement 1960
Suggested operating procedures for aquifer pumping tests / 1993
The Establishment of a groundwater research data center for validation of subsurface flow and transport models / 1989
Using geophysical logs to estimate porosity, water resistivity, and intrinsic permeability / 1989
Using specific capacity to estimate transmissivity : field and computer methods / 1995

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