Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 7
Showing: Items 1 - 7
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Groundwater New Hampshire)

Select Item Title Year Published
Criteria and methods for fracture-trace analysis of the New Hampshire bedrock aquifer 1996
Data on observation wells, ground-water levels, and ground-water quality for the stratified-drift aquifer in the northwestern basin of Country Pond, Kingston, New Hampshire 1994
Drilled water wells in New Hampshire. 1968
Factors related to well yield in the fractured-bedrock aquifer of New Hampshire / 2002
Geohydrologic, ground-water quality, and streamflow data for the stratified-draft aquifers in the lower Merrimack and coastal river basins, southeastern New Hampshire 1990
Radon removal techniques for small community public water supplies / 1990
Water resources of the Millers River Basin, North-Central Massachusetts and Southwestern New Hampshire / 1969

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