Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 12
Showing: Items 1 - 12
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Ground water sampling)

Select Item Title Year Published
Colloidal-facilitated transport of inorganic contaminants in ground water. Part I, Sampling considerations / 1990
Determination of Trace Anions in Water by Multidimensional Ion Chromatography. 1984
Disposal of flue gas cleaning wastes : EPA Shawnee field evaluation : third annual report / 1980
Dissolved oxygen and oxidation potentials in ground water 1986
Effects of Acid Rain on Water Supplies in the Northeast. 1984
Environmental Technology Verification Report: Groundwater Sampling Technologies, QED Environmental Systems, Inc., Well Wizard(Trademark) Dedicated Sampling. 2000
Ground-Water Monitoring & Sampling at RCRA Facilities Course: September 3, 1996, USEPA Region 8, Denver, CO. 1996
Long term recharge of trickling filter effluent into sand / 1979
Methods and results of EPA's study of radon in drinking water / 1983
Sampling Ground Water for Organic Contaminants. 1980
Standard Operating Procedures for Field Sampling Activities 1994
Superfund record of decision : Keefe Environmental, NH : second remedial action / 1988

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