Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Ground water recharge)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Advection-Dispersion Interpretation of Tracer Observations in an Aquifer. 1982
Age and Circulation of Ground Water in the Missoula Valley, Montana. 1972
An Introduction to ground-water tracers / 1985
An Introduction to ground-water tracers / 1985
Application of Artificial Recharge Technology for Managing the Water Resources - Anchorage, Alaska. 1972
Artesian System in Georgia: Stratigraphy and Hydrology of the Ocala. 1971
Artificial Recharge in Water Resources Management. 1970
Artificial Recharge of Groundwater. A Bibliography. 1973
Artificial Recharge Practices in Hawaii. 1970
Beneficial Reclamation of Urban Storm Runoff for Subpotable Usage. 1985
Bilateral Wastewater Land Treatment Research by China and the USEPA. 1991
Blaine Gypsum Groundwater Recharge Demonstration Project. 1997
Boundary Flow in Laboratroy Permeameters Used to Stimulate Recharge by Cyclic Water Spreading. 1968
Cape Cod Waste Water Renovation and Retrieval System, a Study of Water Treatment and Conservation First Year of Operation. 1975
Cape Cod Waste Water Renovation and Retrieval System, A Study of Water Treatment and Conservation. 1974
Cape Cod Waste Water Renovation and Retrieval System. A Study of Water Treatment and Conservation. Data Supplement for Annual Report, June 11, 1974-June 10, 1975. 1976
Case Study of the Hydrogeologic Conditions in the Outcrop Area of an Aquifer. 1972
Class IV and V Injection Well Inventory. 1984
Conceptual Framework for Assessing Cumulative Impacts on the Hydrology of Nontidal Wetlands. 1988
Conference on Recycling Treated Municipal Wastewater through Forest and Cropland : prepared for Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency : [papers] / 1974
Conjunctive Use of Water in West Texas - Benefits to Noncooperators. 1971
Curvilinear Finite Element Model for Simulating Two-Well Tracer Tests and Transport in Stratified Aquifers. 1986
Deep Seepage on Piedmont Watersheds. 1972
Delineation of Ground-Water Flow Systems in Nevada. 1968
Density induced mixing in confined aquifers / 1972
Development of Systems for Ground Water Recharge Into the Ogallala Formation. 1971
Dimensionless Parameter Study of Groundwater Recharge in Oklahoma. 1971
Dispersion of Substances from Well Recharge Operations in an Anisotropic Homogeneous Confined Aquifer. 1973
Does Artificial Ground Water Recharge Contaminate Our Ground Waters. 1970
Drinking water pilot study : summary / 1983
Dynamic Programming Model and Quantitative Analysis, Roswell Basin, New Mexico. 1971
Effect of Flux and Gravitational Forces on Miscible Displacement in a Thin Homogeneous Bed. 1973
Effect of Formation Dip on the Movement of Fresh Water Stored in Saline Aquifers. 1972
Effect of Storm Runoff Disposal and Other Artificial Recharge to Hawaiian Ghyben-Herzberg Aquifers. 1971
Effects of underground coal mining on ground water in the eastern United States / 1980
Empirical Mathematical Model of an Interconnected Watershed System. 1974
Evaluating Cumulative Effects of Disturbance on the Hydrologic Function of Bogs, Fens, and Mires. 1988
Fate of DDT and Nitrate in Ground Water. 1968
Flow Analysis of Hydraulic Connectors in Artificial Recharge System, A Model Study. 1973
Fluctuations in Nitrate Concentrations Utilized as an Assessment of Agricultural Contamination to an Aquifer of a Semiarid Climatic Region. 1972
Formation of Public Policy on Issue of Out-of-Basin Diversion of Connecticut River Flood Waters to Boston Metropolitan Area. 1973
Geohydrologic relationships in water pollution. 1974
Ground Water Quality Protection: State and Local Strategies. 1986
Ground Water Recharge as Affected by Surface Vegetation and Management. 1972
Ground Water Recharge Projects in the Western United States, Economic Efficiency, Financial Feasibility and Legal/Institutional Issues (Park II) 1998
Ground-Water Flow Modeling Study of the Love Canal Area, New York. 1983
Groundwater Contamination by Trace Level Organics from a Rapid Infiltration Site. 1981
Groundwater Pollution in Europe - A Conference Summary. 1973
Groundwater Pressure Wave in Confined Porous Media. 1971
Groundwater-Surface Water Integration Study in the Grand Prairie of Arkansas. 1972
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