Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 23
Showing: Items 1 - 23
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Greenhouse gases United States Prevention)

Select Item Title Year Published
Best practices for climate protection : a local government guide / 2000
Climate change and Alaska. 1998
Climate change and Idaho. 1998
Climate change and Missouri. 1997
Climate change and Nevada. 1998
Climate change and New Hampshire. 1997
Climate change and New Jersey. 1997
Climate change and New York. 1997
Climate change and North Carolina. 1998
Climate change and Ohio. 1998
Climate change and Oregon. 1998
Climate change and Pennsylvania. 1997
Climate change and Rhode Island. 1998
Climate change and Vermont. 1998
Climate change and Washington. 1997
Climate change solutions : Vermont trims energy bills for low-income families. 1998
Helping build a better future : ENERGY STAR buildings and Green Lights 1997 year in review. 1998
Localizing global climate change : controlling gree nhouse gas emissions in U.S. cities / 2000
Moving in the right direction : putting transportation efficiency to work for you / 1998
Reducing greenhouse gases & air pollution. a menu of harmonized options / Final report : 1999
Sustainable transportation options for protecting the climate : a guide for local governments. 2001
U.S. communities acting to protect the climate : a report on the achievements of ICLEI's Cities for Climate Protection-U.S. / 1998
Why "Waste" a Cool Planet : MSW Solutions to Global Climate Change / 2000

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