Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 17
Showing: Items 1 - 17
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Green Bay Wis)

Select Item Title Year Published
Accumulation of PCBs and HG by fish and earthworms during field and laboratory exposures to Green Bay sediments / 1985
Bottom trawl explorations in Green Bay of Lake Michigan, 1963-65 / 1969
Categorization of northern Green Bay ice cover using LANDSAT 1 digital data : a case study / 1981
Comprehensive water pollution control program for the Green Bay Western Shore drainage basin; developed in cooperation with the state water pollution control agencies of Michigan and Wisconsin. 1954
Green Bay - Fox River mass balance study : executive summary / 1988
Green Bay mass balance study plan : a strategy for tracking toxics in the bay of Green Bay, Lake Michigan / 1989
Green Bay/Fox River Mass Balance Management Committee and Technical Coordinating Committee meeting information. 1989
Green Bay/Fox River mass balance study : a study of toxic contaminants in the Green Bay ecosystem. 1989
Green Bay/Fox River mass balance study : management summary / 1992
Impact of the port of Green Bay on the economy of the community, 1972
Nonparametric evaluation of the size of limnological sampling networks : application to the design of a survey of Green Bay / 1987
Phosphorus cycling and luxury phosphorus storage by algae in the waters of Green Bay : technical completion report 1976
Remedial action plan 1990 progress report for Green Bay and the Fox River / 1990
Report on an investigation of the pollution in the lower Fox River and Green bay made during 1966 and 1967 / 1968
State of the Bay a capsule view : the condition of the bay of Green Bay, Lake Michigan 1990 / 1990
The state of the Bay : the condition of the bay of Green Bay/Lake Michigan 2013 / 2013
Water pollution investigation : lower Green Bay and lower Fox River / 1975

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