Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 1903
Showing: Items 351 - 400
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Great Lakes)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Combined remote sensing and mathematical modeling of sediment transport and thermal structure in the Great Lakes / 1978
Combined sewer overflow loadings inventory for Great Lakes basin / 1983
Comment on 'A Model for Total Phosphorus in Saginaw Bay'. 1978
Commercial fish production in the Great Lakes 1867-1977 / 1979
Commercial fisheries of the Great Lakes (Historical Fishery Statistics) 1968
Commercial marine activity for great lake and inland river ports in the United States / 1999
Committee of the Whole Workshop on Implementation of the Joint Strategic Plan for Management of Great Lakes Fisheries reports and recommendations from the 18-20 February 1986 and 5-6 May 1986 meetings / 1988
Comparative Analysis of Polychlorinated Dibenzo-'p'-dioxin and Dibenzofuran Congeners in Great Lakes Fish Extracts by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry and In vitro Enzyme Induction Activities. 1989
Comparative cost-effectiveness of land application of U. S. municipal wastewater implications for phosphorus control in the Great Lakes basin / 1980
Comparison and Rank of Proposed Human Health Bioaccumulation Factors for the Great Lakes Initiative. 1993
Comparison of 1983 Great Lakes winter weather and ice conditions with previous years / 0
Comparison of Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement Water Quality Objectives, state standards and existing water quality 1980
Comparison of Three Wet-Alkaline Methods of Digestion of Biogenic Silica in Water. 1983
Compendium of Great Lakes data sets. 1995
Compilation of regional ground-water divides for principal aquifers corresponding to the Great Lakes basin, United States / 2006
Computerized bathymetry and shorelines of the Great Lakes / 1980
Computerized Ecosystem. 1978
Concern for Acidic Deposition in the Great Lakes Region. 1982
Conference on water conservation, December 6-7, 1977 : highlights. / 1978
Conference proceedings : the Great Lakes Basin : a regional focus on the environment and human health ... October 16-18, 1988 / 1989
Conference, pollution of Lake Michigan and its tributary basin, proceedings, third session, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, March 21 - April 1, 1970, executive session, Chicago, Illinois, May 7, 1970. 1970
Confronting climate change in the Great Lakes region : impacts on our communities and ecosystems / 2003
Conservation districts and Great Lakes water quality : present and prospective roles : a report to the National Association of Conservation Districts, Committee on the Great Lakes / 1990
Consumptive water, use coefficients for the Great Lakes basin and climatically similar areas / 2007
Contaminant analysis of 1982 fall run coho salmon (Oncorhynchus Kisutch) / 1985
Contaminant Loading from Fox River to Lower Green Bay. 1989
Contaminant Trends in Lake Trout ('Salvelinus namaycush') of the Upper Great Lakes. 1985
Contaminant trends in lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) of the upper Great Lakes / 1985
Contaminants in fish from Great Lakes harbors and tributary mouths 1980-81 / 1984
Contaminated sediment removal program / 1994
Contaminated Sediment Workshop : sediment enforcement/remediation training ; participants workbook (overheads and other course materials) 1992
Contaminated Sediments News: Number 11, May 1994. 1994
Contaminated Sediments News: Number 5, April, 1992. 1992
Contaminated Sediments News: Number 6, August 1992. 1992
Contamination of the Great Lakes by private wastes / 1978
Contribution of phosphorus to the Great Lakes from agricultural land in the Canadian Great Lakes Basin : phosphorus integration report / 1978
Contribution of sediment and associated elements to the Great Lakes from erosion of the Canadian shoreline : Task D, activity 1 / 1978
Control of water pollution from land use activities in the Canadian Great Lakes Basin : an evaluation of legislative, regulatory and administrative programs / 1977
Control of Water Pollution from Land Use Activities in the Great Lake Basin: An Evaluation of Legislative and Administrative Programs in Canada and the United States. 1978
Control of water pollution from land use activities in the Great Lakes Basin : an evaluation of legislative and administrative programs in Canada and the United States / 1978
Controlling Great Lakes pollution : a study in United States-Canadian environmental cooperation / 1970
Cooperating for clean water : case studies of agricultural Nonpoint Source pollution control in the Great Lakes states / 1986
Cooperating for clean water : estimating water quality improvements from management of agricultural nonpoint source pollution / 1987
Cooperating for clean water : institutional issues in agricultural nonpoint source pollution control policy / 1987
Cooperating for clean water : lessons learned about agricultural nonpoint source pollution control in the Great Lakes states / 1987
Coordinated Great Lakes physical data, May 1977 1977
Cost effectiveness of treatment to meet phosphorus objectives in the Great Lakes 1981
Criteria for predicting zebra mussel invasions in the Mid- Atlantic Region 1993
Critical assessment of U.S. land derived pollutant loadings to the Great Lakes : a summary of U.S. Task D PLUARG / 1979
Cumulative index to International Association for Great Lakes Research publications. 1983
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