Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Grazing)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A comparison of the esophageal fistula with rumen samples for the determination of the botanical and chemical composition of the diet of herbivores / 1969
A selected, annotated bibliography of riparian area management. 1987
A watershed assessment primer / 1994
An Examination of Special Use Provisions Contained in Wilderness Legislation for the Western States 1964-2004 2004
Aquatic survey of selected streams with critical habitats on national resource lands affected by livestock and recreation / 1976
Botanical species of plants eaten and intake of steers grazing light, medium heavy use shortgrass range / 1969
Caring for the green zone : riparian areas and grazing management / 1998
Diamond Fork Power System, Draft Environmental Statement 1983
Diamond Fork Power System, Final Environmental Impact Statement 1984
Draft Environmental Impact Statement Mountain Valley Grazing Management 0
Draft Environmental Impact Statement Parker Mountain Grazing Management 0
Draft environmental statement ; Owyhee grazing envrionmental impact statement / 1980
Ecological Characterization and Landscape Assessment of the Humboldt River Basin. 2013
Effect of animal grazing on water quality of nonpoint runoff in the Pacific Northwest 1983
Effect of animal grazing on water quality of nonpoint runoff in the Pacific Northwest / 1983
Effective cattle management in riparian zones : a field survey and literature review / 1997
Effectiveness of agricultural and silvicultural nonpoint source controls : final report / 1988
Effects of grazing on the hydrology and biology of the Badger Wash basin in western Colorado, 1953-66 / 1971
Effects of livestock pasturing on nonpoint surface runoff / 1983
Effects of livestock pasturing on nonpoint surface runoff / 1983
Effects of prescribed fire and cattle grazing on a vernal pool grassland landscape : recommendations for monitoring / 2000
Effects on cattle from exposure to sewage sludge / 1983
Environmental assessment Idaho agriculture and grazing practices : Idaho statewide water quality management plan / 1979
Final Environmental Impact Statement, Appendices B-M and P-Q, Volume 3 (to accompany the Land and Resource Management Plan - 2002 Revision) 2002
Final Environmental Impact Statement, Appendix A - Response to Comment, Volume 2 (to accompany the Land and Resource Management Plan - 2002 Revision) 2002
Final Environmental Impact Statement, Appendix N - Biological Evaluation, Volume 4 (to accompany the Land and Resource Management Plan - 2002 Revision) 2002
Final Environmental Impact Statement, Volume 1 (to accompany the Land and Resource Management Plan, 2002 Revision) 2002
Final Tooele Grazing Environmental Impact Statement 1983
Grazing behavior of bison and cattle on a shortgrass prairie / 1972
Grazing fees : BLM's allocation of revenues to Montana appears accurate : report to the Honorable Max Baucus, U.S. Senate / 1992
Grazing management in riparian areas / 1989
Grazing management in riparian-wetland areas / 1997
Grazing nonpoint source control strategy / 1982
Herbage dynamics on the Pawnee site : aboveground and belowground herbage dynamics on the four grazing intensity treatments : and preliminary sampling on the ecosystem stress site / 1971
Herbage growth rate, forage intake, and forage quality in 1971 on heavily-and lightly-grazed blue grama pastures / 1972
Herbicide report : chemistry and analysis, environmental effects, agricultural and other applied uses / 1974
Hydrologic and biotic characteristics of grazed and ungrazed watersheds of the Badger Wash basin in western Colorado, 1953-58 1963
Hydrologic impact of burning and grazing on a chained pinyon-juniper site in southeastern Utah : completion report, Center for Water Resources Research, Utah State University Project A-022-Utah 1976
Hydrology of stock-water development in the Ely Grazing District, Nevada 1963
Implementing the Pecos River WPP through Invasive Species Control and by Providing Technical and Financial Assistance to Reduce Agricultural Nonpoint Source Pollution. 2013
Land and Resource Management Plan for the Dixie National Forest 1986
Livestock and the environment : a bibliography with abstracts / 1974
Livestock grazing management and water quality protection : (state of the art reference document) / 1979
Livestock grazing on western riparian areas / 1990
Lone Star Healthy Streams. Final Report. 2011
Long-term grazing intensity data from the Great Plains / 1975
Managing change : livestock grazing on western riparian areas / 1993
Managing grazing of riparian areas in the intermountain region / 1989
Managing grazing of riparian areas in the Intermountain region / 1989
Metabolic components of cattle : water-soluble tracers for determining water turnover and partitioning by cattle, Pawnee site / 1969
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