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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Grassland ecology)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1970 insect studies at Osage comprehensive site / 1971
1970 meteorological data availability for the Pawnee site / 1971
1970-1971 soil movement at the Pawnee intensive site / 1972
A grazing lands plant-decomposition, carbon-mineral simulation model / 1972
A numerical analysis of grassland faunal resemblances / 1970
A preliminary bird population dynamics and biomass model / 1969
A preliminary compartment model of a tallgrass prairie, Osage site, 1970 / 1972
A quantitative food web analysis of a shortgrass community / 1972
Abiotic and herbage dynamics studies at Cottonwood, 1971 / 1974
Abundance and biomass of soil macroinvertebrates of the Pawnee site collected from pastures subjected to different grazing presures, irrigation and/or nitrogen fertilization, 1970-1971 / 1973
Advances in ecological research. 1969
Advances in ecological research. Volume 5 / 1968
AFCONS : a dynamic simulation model of an interactive herbivore community / 1972
Avian distribution and population fluctuations on the shortgrass prairie of north central Colorado / 1970
Avian ecology and distribution in the comprehensive networ, 1970 / 1971
Basic field data collection procedures for the Grassland Biome, 1971 season / 1971
Biological productivity of snakes of the Pawnee site, 1970-1971 / 1972
Bird model description and documentation / 1974
Carbohydrate translocation in blue grama, buffalo grass, and western wheatgrass as influenced by temperature and growth stage / 1972
Carbon dioxide evolution and cellulose, root, and litter decomposition in soils at the Cottonwood site, 1972 / 1973
Cellulose and litter decomposition and evolution of carbon dioxide from soils at the Cottonwood site, 1971 / 1972
Central basin hydrologic process studies / 1971
Central shortgrass prairie ecoregional assessment and partnership initiative : final report. 2006
CO2 exchange over shortgrass sods / 1971
Comparisons of aboveground plant biomass on ungrazed pastures vs. pastures grazed by large herbivores, 1970 season / 1971
Comprehensive network site description : ALE / 1970
Comprehensive network site description : Bridger / 0
Comprehensive network site description : Cottonwood / 1970
Comprehensive network site description : Dickinson / 1970
Comprehensive network site description : Hays / 1970
Comprehensive network site description : Hopland / 0
Comprehensive network site description : Jornada / 1970
Comprehensive network site description : Osage / 1970
Comprehensive network site description : Pantex / 1970
Decomposer studies at the Cottonwood site / 1971
Decomposition of organic materials in grassland soil / 1970
Dietary and energy relationships of jackrabbits at the Pawnee site / 1969
Dispersion and dispersal of white-tailed and black-tailed jackrabbits, Pawnee National Grasslands / 1971
Dynamics of small mammal populations at the Cottonwood and Osage sites, 1972 / 1974
Ecological studies of small mammal populations at the Cottonwood and Osage sites, 1971 / 1972
Effect of insect predators and parasites on grass feeding insects, Pawnee site / 1970
Effects of environmental stresses on a shortgrass prairie ecosystem, 1970 and 1971 / 1973
Effects of prescribed fire and cattle grazing on a vernal pool grassland landscape : recommendations for monitoring / 2000
Effects of water and nitrogen stresses on a shortgrass prairie ecosystem / 1973
Evaluation of vegetation types differentiated by aerial photo interpretation of panchromatic, color, and infra-red imagery / 1973
Food consumption and feeding rates in the lark bunting / 1973
Grassland Biome graduate student symposium : a review / 1970
Grassland biome studies at the Bridger site, 1971 / 1972
Grassland ecology 1971
Grassland ecosystems of the world : analysis of grasslands and their uses 1979
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