Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Municipal waste combustion ash and leachate characterization : monofill baseline year, Woodburn Monofill, Woodburn, Oregon / 1989
Municipal Waste Combustion Multipollutant Study, Emission Test Report. Maine Energy Recovery Company, Refuse Derived Fuel Facility, Biddeford, Maine. Volume 2. Appendices A-F. 1989
Municipal Waste Combustion Multipollutant Study, Emission Test Report. Maine Energy Recovery Company, Refuse Derived Fuel Facility, Biddeford, Maine. Volume 3: Appendices G-N. 1989
N20 emission from fossil fuel combusion /{Microfiche} 1990
National air pollutant emission estimates, 1940-1988 / 1990
National air pollutant emission estimates, 1940-1989. 1991
National air pollutant emission trends : procedures document 1900-1996 : projections 1999-2010 / 1998
National air pollutant emission trends procedures document, sections 1,4, and 6 1985-1996: projections 1999-2010. 1998
National air pollutant emission trends, 1900-1994 / 1995
National air pollutant emission trends, 1900-1995. 1996
National air pollutant emission trends, 1900-1996. 1997
National air quality and emission trends report, 1982. 1984
National air quality and emissions trends report : 1991 / 1992
National air quality and emissions trends report, 1983 / 1985
National air quality and emissions trends report, 1985 / 1987
National air quality and emissions trends report, 1988 / 1990
National air quality and emissions trends report, 1991. 1992
National study of chemical residues in fish. 1992
National Water Program: Best Practices and End of the Year Performance Report, FY 2008. 2009
National Water Program: Best Practices and End of the Year Performance Report. Fiscal Year 2009. 2010
Nationwide Urban Runoff Program, Baltimore, Maryland: Sources of Microorganisms in Urban Runoff. 1982
Nationwide Urban Runoff Program, Lake Quinsigamond Urban Runoff Project: Report on Stormwater Measurements and Modeling - Appendices A, B, and C. 1981
Nationwide Urban Runoff Program, Tampa, Florida: Phase 2 Final Report. Task II.6. Runoff Characterization - Data Analysis. Task II.9. Control Testing - Data Analysis. Task II.10. Projection of Study Area-Wide Loadings. Task II.11. Monitor Other NURP Projects. 1983
Nationwide Urban Runoff Program, Tampa, Florida: Phase 3 Final Report. Volume 1. Stormwater Management Plan. 1983
Nationwide Urban Runoff Program, Tampa, Florida: Water Quality Assessment of the Lower Hillsborough River - Final Report. 1983
Nationwide Urban Runoff Program, Winston-Salem, North Carolina: An Evaluation of Street Sweeping as a Runoff Pollution Control. 1983
Natural Killer Activity in Fischer-344 Rat Lungs as a Method to Assess Pulmonary Immunocompetence: Immunosuppression by Phosgene Inhalation. 1989
Neonatal Sympathectomy Compromises Development of Responses of Ornithine Decarboxylase to Hormonal Stimulation in Peripheral Tissues. 1989
Neurobehavioral Effects of Triadimefon, a Triazole Fungicide, in Male and Female Rats. 1989
Neurotoxic effects of controlled exposure to a complex mixture of volatile organic compounds / 1990
NHATS broad scan analysis : population estimates from fiscal year 1982 specimens / 1989
Nickel Absorption and Kinetics in Human Volunteers. 1989
Nineteenth Annual Toxic Chemical Report. 2007
Nitrate Removal from Drinking Water in Glendale, Arizona. 1986
Nitrification inhibition biokinetics / 1983
NMDA (N-Methyl-D-Aspartate) receptor, antagonist, MK-801, suppresses limbic kindling and kindled seizures / 1988
Nomethane organic compound monitoring program : final report 1988. Volume 2. Urban air toxics monitoring program / 1988
Nonoccupational Pesticide Exposure Study (NOPES) : final report / 1990
Nonoccupational Pesticide Exposure Study : (NOPES). 1990
Nonpoint Source Pollution Impacts of Alternative Agricultural Management Practices in Illinois: A Simulation Study. 1993
Nonpoint Sources: An Assessment of Pollutant Loadings to Lakes and Rivers in North Central Texas. 1977
Northeast Cooperative Woodstove Study. Volume 2. Technical Appendix. 1987
Novel Pathway of Toluene Catabolism in the Trichloroethylene-Degrading Bacterium G4. 1989
Nutrient diversion : resulting lake trophic state and phosphorus dynamics / 1977
Observational study of final cleaning and AHERA clearance sampling at asbestos-abatement sites in New Jersey 1989
Observations of Transport of Trace Gases by Vigorous Convective Clouds. 1992
Ocean outfalls. 1. : Effect of diffuser design on submerged wastefields / 1988
Ohio/Kentucky/TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority) Coal-Fired Utility S02 and N0x Control Retrofit Study. 1988
Onset of electrical breakdown in dust layers: 1. : microsparking described by Paschen's law / 1988
Open Lake Water Quality Conditions for Lake Erie's Central and Eastern Basins, 1985. 1987
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