Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Government policy United States States)

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Select Item Title Year Published
2003 nuts and bolts of Brownfields redevelopment 2003
Appendix, 1989 summary of state radon programs. 1991
Brownfields redevelopment : a guidebook for local governments and communities / 1997
Brownfields redevelopment : a guidebook for local governments and communities / 2001
Brownfields redevelopment : programs and strategies for rehabilitating contaminated real estate / 1998
Cool tools state and local policy options to confront a changing climate / 1992
Dredged material management and state coastal management programs : lessons from a workshop in New Orleans, Louisiana, January 1999 : proceedings / 1999
Environmental protection at the state level : politics and progress in controlling pollution / 1993
EPA's Environmental Audit Protocols : Tools for Compliance. 2000
EPAct section 1541(c) boutique fuels report to Congress. 2006
Groundwater : strategies for state action 1984
Guidance for future state ground water protection grants / 1997
Guidance on Conducting Inspections of Federal Facilities for Compliance with Section 6002 of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. 1999
Halting the invasion : state tools for invasive species management / 2002
Hazardous waste reduction : a guidebook for vehicle maintenance shops with a summary of the Washington state dangerous waste regulations. 0
IMPROVE progress report / 1990
IMPROVE progress report : appendices B-H / 1990
Institutional controls : a site manager's guide to identifying, evaluating and selecting institutional controls at Superfund and RCRA corrective action cleanups / 2000
Intergovernmental influences on local land use decision making 1989
Memorandum Subject : Final Enforcement Guidance on Implementation of the Federal Facility Compliance Act / 1993
Memorandum Subject : Guidance on Calculating the Economic Benefit of Noncompliance by Federal Agencies / 1999
Mixing management metaphors : the complexities of introducing a performance-based state/EPA partnership system into an activity-based management culture / 2000
National Environmental Performance Partnership System (NEPPS) National Program Manager Guidance for Fiscal Years 2018/2019 / 2017
National Environmental Performance Partnership System (NEPPS) National Program Manager Guidance for Fiscal Years 2018/2019 / 2017
National Environmental Performance Partnership System : FY 2011 Guidance / 2010
National Environmental Performance Partnership System : FY 2012 Guidance / 2011
National Environmental Performance Partnership System : FY 2013 Guidance / 2012
National Environmental Performance Partnership System : FY 2014 Guidance / 2013
National Environmental Performance Partnership System : FY 2014 Guidance / 2013
National Environmental Performance Partnership System : FY 2016-2017 Guidance / 2015
National Environmental Performance Partnership System : FY 2016-2017 Guidance / 2015
National Environmental Performance Partnership System : making good on its promise? / 2000
Nuts & bolts of Brownfields redevelopment for local governments : resource material, 2002 edition : notebook A. 2002
Nuts & bolts of Brownfields redevelopment for local governments : resource material, 2002 edition : notebook C, guides, specific guidance, EPA fact sheets. 2002
Protocol for Conducting Environmental Compliance Audits under the Stormwater Program. 2005
Radon : a practical guide to local programs. 1997
Region 10 final policy on the use of institutional controls at federal facilities : Region 10 memorandum. 1999
Regulating wetlands protection : environmental federalism and the States / 2000
Science, technology, and the states in America's third century. 1992
State actions for reducing hazardous wastes state legislative options : model state Hazardous Waste Reduction Act : status of state hazardous waste reduction programs / 1989
State and local indoor air quality programs : five case studies. 1997
State Brownfields and Voluntary Response Programs 2014 / 2014
State efficiency and renewable programs : hearing before the Subcommittee on Energy of the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, United States Senate, One Hundred Thirteenth Congress, second session ... February 12, 2014. 2014
State land conservation & growth management policy a legislator's guide / 1990
State management of groundwater : assessment of practices and progress / 1989
State management of groundwater assessment of practices and progress : conference report / 1989
State program briefs : pesticides in ground water. 1986
State wetland program evaluation. Phase I / 2005
State wetland program evaluation. Phase II / 2006
States guidance document : policy planning to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. 1995
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