Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Gold)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A regional structural model for gold mineralization in the southern part of the Archean Superior Province, United States / 1992
A water use assessment of selected Alaska stream basins affected by placer gold mining / 1986
Adaptation of the Gold Amalgamation Sampling and Analytical Procedure for the Analysis of Mercury in Stack Gases to High SO2 Environments Observed in Smelters. 1972
Alaska Juneau Gold Mine Project : technical assistance report for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Alaska District / 1994
Alaskan Placer Mining Study and Testing Summary Report 1984. Preliminary Draft. 1984
Analysis of the transport and fate of metals released from the Gold King Mine in the Animas and San Juan Rivers / 2017
Analytical Results Report Site Inspection, Gold Hill Tailings Site. 1994
Asbestos fibers in discharges from selected mining and milling activities : final report, part III / 1977
Assessment of Industrial Hazardous Waste Practices in the Metal Smelting and Refining Industry. Volume II. Primary and Secondary Nonferrous Smelting and Refining. 1977
Assessment of process operations and waste control, Homestake Gold Mine, Lead-Deadwood, South Dakota / 1971
Assessment of the potential for new environmental technologies in gold mining 1991
At a Glance : Gold King Mine Release: Inspector General Response to Congressional Requests. 2017
Characterization of mine leachates and the development of a ground-water monitoring strategy for mine sites / 1999
Characterization of mine leachates and the development of a ground-water monitoring strategy for mine sites / 1999
Dahlonega Gold Museum State Historic Site. 0
Determination of Mercury Content in a Shallow Firn Core from Summit, Greenland by Isotope Dilution Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry. 2003
Determination of Mercury in stack Gases of High SO2 Content by the Gold Amalgamation Technique. 1973
Development document for effluent limitations guidelines and new source performance standards for the ore mining and dressing point source category. 1978
Development document for final effluent limitations guidelines and new source performance standards for the ore mining and dressing point source category : gold placer mine subcategory / 1988
Development document for proposed effluent limitations guidelines and new source performance standards for the ore mining and dressing point source category, gold pacer mine subcategory. 1985
Development document for proposed existing source pretreatment standards for the electroplating point source category. 1978
Development of a solid sample analytical procedure for cyanide in spent ore. : Final technical report / 1991
Development of an arsenic measurement method on a gold roasting operation 1978
Development of the Gold Amalgamation Sampling and Analytical Procedure for Investigation of Mercury in Stack Gases. 1972
Distribution of gold in igneous rocks / 1972
Draft environmental impact statement for the Hollister Underground Mine Project / 2012
Draft environmental impact statement for the Hollister Underground Mine Project. Volumes I and II / 2012
Draft environmental impact statement, Betze Project : [Barrick Goldstrike Mines Inc.] / 1991
Economic analysis of proposed effluent limitations and standards for the gold placer mining industry. 1985
Economic analysis of proposed effluent limitations and standards for the gold placer mining industry. 1985
Economic impact analysis of final effluent limitations guidelines and standards for the gold placer mining industry / 1988
Effect of SO2 on the Uptake of Particles by Mouse Bronchial Epithelium. 1980
Effect of Water Pollutants and Other Chemicals upon Ribonuclease Activity In vitro. 1980
Effects of placer mining on water quality in Alaska. 1969
Effects of suction dredging on streams : a review and evaluation strategy / 1995
Enhancing percolation rates in heap leaching of gold-silver ores 1979
Environmental considerations of active and abandoned mine lands : lessons from Summitville, Colorado / 1995
Establishment of gold-quartz standard GQS-1, 1969
Evaluation of settleable solids removal, Alaska gold placer mines (July 11-21, 1977). 1977
Evaluation of technology for control of arsenic emissions at the Campbell Red Lake Gold Smelter / 1980
Evaluation of Wastewater Treatment Practices Employed at Alaskan Gold Placer Mining Operations. 1979
Extraction and benefication of ores and minerals : gold / 1994
Extraction and benefication of ores and minerals : gold placers / 1994
Fact Sheet: The Alaska-Juneau Gold Mine Project 1996
Final environmental impact statement : Genesis Project, Newmont Mining Corporation / 2011
Final environmental impact statement : Resurrection Creek phase II: stream and riparian restoration project and Hope Mining Company proposed mining plan of operations. 2015
Final environmental impact statement, Betze Project : [Barrick Goldstrike Mines Inc.] / 1991
Geologic characteristics of sediment-and volcanic-hosted disseminated gold deposits : search for an occurrence model / 1985
Geology and gold mineralization of the Rattlesnake Hills, Granite Mountains, Wyoming / 1996
Gold : the California story / 1999
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