Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 43
Showing: Items 1 - 43

Select Item Title Year Published
A water use assessment of selected Alaska stream basins affected by placer gold mining / 1986
Alaska Juneau Gold Mine Project : technical assistance report for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Alaska District / 1994
Assessment of process operations and waste control, Homestake Gold Mine, Lead-Deadwood, South Dakota / 1971
Assessment of the potential for new environmental technologies in gold mining 1991
Characterization of mine leachates and the development of a ground-water monitoring strategy for mine sites / 1999
Characterization of mine leachates and the development of a ground-water monitoring strategy for mine sites / 1999
Development document for proposed effluent limitations guidelines and new source performance standards for the ore mining and dressing point source category, gold pacer mine subcategory. 1985
Development of an arsenic measurement method on a gold roasting operation 1978
Draft environmental impact statement for the Hollister Underground Mine Project / 2012
Draft environmental impact statement for the Hollister Underground Mine Project. Volumes I and II / 2012
Draft environmental impact statement, Betze Project : [Barrick Goldstrike Mines Inc.] / 1991
Economic impact analysis of final effluent limitations guidelines and standards for the gold placer mining industry / 1988
Effects of placer mining on water quality in Alaska. 1969
Environmental considerations of active and abandoned mine lands : lessons from Summitville, Colorado / 1995
Evaluation of settleable solids removal, Alaska gold placer mines (July 11-21, 1977). 1977
Extraction and benefication of ores and minerals : gold placers / 1994
Final environmental impact statement : Genesis Project, Newmont Mining Corporation / 2011
Final environmental impact statement : Resurrection Creek phase II: stream and riparian restoration project and Hope Mining Company proposed mining plan of operations. 2015
Final environmental impact statement, Betze Project : [Barrick Goldstrike Mines Inc.] / 1991
Gold districts of Wyoming / 1980
Gold panning and placering in Colorado : how and where / 1992
Gold seekers-- a 200 year history of mining in Washington, Idaho, Montana & lower British Columbia 1998
Gold, silver, uranium, and coal : geology, mining, extraction, and the environment 1983
History of the Sunbeam Mine, Custer County, Idaho / 1997
How to mine and prospect for placer gold / 1971
Mercury and modern gold mining in Nevada 2005
Mercury bioaccumulation in fish in a region affected by historic gold mining : the South Yuba River, Deer Creek, and Bear River watersheds, California, 1999 / 2000
Mercury contamination from historic gold mining in California 2005
Mercury from gold and silver mining : a chemical time bomb? / 1998
Mines and mills of the Comstock Region, Western Nevada / 1989
Nature of gold : an environmental history of the Klondike gold rush / 2003
One round river : the curse of gold and the fight for the Big Blackfoot / 1998
Papers of the second EPA Placer Mine Reclamation Workshop, March 18-19, 1993, Anchorage, Alaska. 1993
Placer deposits of Alaska / 1973
Regional baseline geochemistry and environmental effects of gold placer mining operations on the Fortymile River, eastern Alaska 1999
Regulatory processes associated with metal-mine development in Alaska : a case study of the Westgold BIMA / 1992
Selected geochemical and biogeochemical studies of the Fortymile River watershed, Alaska / 2004
Silverton gold : the story of Silverton's largest gold mine / 1986
Stone Cabin Mine : final environmental impact statement / 1994
The contested plains : Indians, goldseekers, & the rush to Colorado / 1998
The floor of heaven : a true tale of the last frontier and the Yukon gold rush / 2011
Tour guide to the geology and mining history of the South Pass gold mining district Fremont County, Wyoming / 1984
Toxic toil : child labor and mercury exposure in Tanzania's small-scale gold mines / 2013

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