Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Showing: Items 401 - 450
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Global warming)

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Select Item Title Year Published
National Informal Educators Conference on Global Change / 1993
National security implications of climate change for U.S. naval forces / 2011
Negative emissions technologies and reliable sequestration : a research agenda / 2019
New directions in climate change vulnerability, impacts, and adaptation assessment : summary of a workshop / 2009
Nitrogen oxides : impacts on public health and the environment / 1997
Nomad century : how climate migration will reshape our world / 2022
North American Landscape Characterization (NALC) - Pathfinder project : research plan / 1993
Observing the Arctic : report of the Sustaining Arctic Observing Networks (SAON) Initiating Group. 2008
One degree matters / 2010
One earth, one future : our changing global environment / 1990
One Earth, One Future: Our Changing Global Environment. 1990
Opportunities to use remote sensing in understanding permafrost and related ecological characteristics : report of a workshop / 2014
Oregon Task Force on Global Warming Report to the Governor and Legislature : Part one: Possible impacts on Oregon from global warming; Part two: State Agency recommendations and proposed actions. 1990
Our changing planet : the FY ... research plan / 1990
Our changing planet the FY 1990 research plan : the U.S. Global Change Research Program : a report / 1989
Our changing planet the FY 1994 U.S. Global Change Research Program : a report / 1993
Our choice : a plan to solve the climate crisis / 2009
Outgrowing the earth : the food security challenge in the age of falling water tables and rising temperatures / 2004
Overview, climate change impacts in the United States : U.S. national climate assessment / 2014
Perception and valuation of the risks of climate change : a rational and behavioral blend / 2005
Personal transport and the greenhouse effect / 2009
Plan C : community survival strategies for peak oil & climate change / 2008
Policy implications of greenhouse warming 1991
Policy implications of greenhouse warming : mitigation, adaptation, and the science base / 1992
Policy implications of greenhouse warming report / 1991
Policy options for reducing CO2 emissions. [electronic resource] 2008
Pollution Prevention for Cleaner Air: EPA's Air and Energy Engineering Research Laboratory. 1992
Potential effects of global climate change on the United States 1990
Potential impacts of climate change on U.S. transportation / 2008
Potential impacts of global warming on salmon production in the Fraser River watershed / 1994
Potential Impacts of Increased Solar UV-B on Global Plant Productivity. 1990
Preparing for an uncertain climate summary / 1993
Preparing for global warming : smart insurance. 2000
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Large-Scale Reforestation / 1991
Program description and research plan / 1991
Project : effects of CO2 and climate change on forest trees. 1994
Propane Reduces Greenhouse Gas Emissions: A Comparative Analysis 2009. 2010
Protecting the earth's atmosphere an international challenge : interim report of the Study Commission of the 11th German Bundestag "Preventive Measures to Protect the Earth's Atmosphere." 1989
Renewable technologies and their role in mitigating greenhouse gas warming / 1997
Report to Congress on black carbon / 2011
Research strategies for the U.S. Global Change Research Program 1990
Responding to climate change selected economic issues / 1991
Restructuring federal climate research to meet the challenges of climate change / 2009
Results of the 14th annual "Questionnaire on environmental problems and the survival of humankind" : report. 2005
Results of the 15th annual "Questionnaire on environmental problems and the survival of humankind" : report. 2006
Revealed : the Himalayan meltdown / 2011
Review and analysis of JABOWA and related forest models and their use in climate change studies. 1996
Review of the draft interagency report on the impacts of climate change on human health in the United States / 2015
Rising : dispatches from the new American shore / 2019
Rising seas, coastal erosion, and the takings clause : how to save wetlands and beaches without hurting property owners / 1998
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