Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 572
Showing: Items 1 - 50
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Global warming)

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Select Item Title Year Published
20 is too much ! : evidence and implications of dangerous climate change in the Arctic / 2005
A climate for change : global warming facts for faith-based decisions / 2009
A federal leader's guide to climate change : policy, adaptation, and mitigation / 2009
A Global warming forum : scientific, economic, and legal overview / 1993
A global warning? / 2008
A great aridness : climate change and the future of the American southwest / 2011
A matter of degrees : a primer on global warming. 1993
A perfect moral storm : the ethical tragedy of climate change / 2011
A primer on CO2 and climate / 2008
A question of balance : weighing the options on global warming policies / 2008
A review of the impacts of climate variability and change on aeroallergens and their associated effects / 2008
A Review of the Impacts of Climate Variability and Change on Aeroallergens and Their Associated Effects. 2006
A U.S. Carbon Cycle Science Plan / 1999
A world without ice / 2009
Abrupt climate change : inevitable surprises / 2002
Abrupt climate change : report / 2008
Adaptation to climate change : international policy options / 2006
Adapting to climate change : a call for federal leadership / 2010
Adapting to climate change : a call for federal leadership / 2010
Adapting to Climate Change : Alaska. 2016
Adapting to Climate Change : Great Plains. 2016
Adapting to Climate Change : Hawai'i and U.S. Pacific Islands. 2016
Adapting to Climate Change : Midwest. 2016
Adapting to Climate Change : Northeast. 2016
Adapting to Climate Change : Northwest. 2016
Adapting to Climate Change : Southeast. 2016
Adapting to Climate Change : Southwest. 2016
Addressing climate change for future generations : an illustrated biography of the Annual United Nations Climate Change Conference COP18/CMP8, Doha, the State of Qatar / 2014
Adjudicating climate change : state, national, and international approaches / 2009
Aerosols, Sterilants and Miscellaneous Uses of CFCs. 1989
Agenda for climate action / 2006
Air pollution, global change and forests in the new millennium 2003
Alpine Vegetation Workshop: Response of Alpine and Subalpine Plant Species to Changes in Atmospheric N Deposition, November 6th-7th, 2008. 2009
An American Solution for reducing carbon emissions : averting global warming, creating green energy and sustainable employment / 2009
An analysis of proposed domestic climate warming mitigation program impacts on international forest product markets / 1994
An appeal to reason : a cool look at global warming / 2009
An approach for assessing U.S. Gulf Coast ecosystem restoration : a Gulf Research Program environmental monitoring report / 2022
An inconvenient sequel : truth to power : your action handbook to learn the science, find your voice, and help solve the climate crisis / 2017
An inconvenient truth : a global warning / 2006
An inconvenient truth : the planetary emergency of global warming and what we can do about it / 2006
An inconvenient truth in the classroom : a component of the National Wildlife Federation's Climate Classroom initiative / 2008
An Inconvenient Truth [videorecording] 2006
Analyses of the effects of global change on human health and welfare and human systems : final report / 2008
Analyses of the Effects of Global Change on Human Health and Welfare and Human Systems. Final Report, Synthesis and Assessment Product 4.6. 2008
Annual global climate and catastrophe report 2004
Anthropogenic Climate Change in the Playa Lakes Joint Venture Region: Understanding Impacts, Discerning Trends, and Developing Responses. 2008
Anthropogenic climatic change / 1991
Anticipatory planning for sea-level rise along the coast of Maine / 1995
Apollo's fire : igniting America's clean-energy economy / 2008
Aquatic ecosystems & global climate change : potential impacts on inland freshwater and coastal wetland ecosystems in the United States / 2002
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