Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 14
Showing: Items 1 - 14
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Global environmental change Research)

Select Item Title Year Published
Accomplishments of the U.S. Global Change Research Program / 2017
Global change and mountain regions : the Mountain Research Initiative / 2001
IGBP northern Eurasia study : prospectus for an integrated global change research project / 1996
Kalahari Transect : research on global change and sustainable development in southern Africa / 1997
Our changing planet / 2010
Our changing planet : the FY 1999 U.S. Global Change Research Program : a report / 1998
Our changing planet : the FY 2001 U.S. Global Change Research Program : a report / 2000
Our changing planet : the FY 2002 U.S. Global Change Research Program : a report / 2001
Our changing planet : the FY2000 U.S. Global Change Research Program : implementation plan and budget overview : a report / 1999
Our changing planet : the U.S. Climate Change Science Program for fiscal year 2006 : a report / 2005
Our changing planet : the U.S. Climate Change Science Program for fiscal years 2004 and 2005 : a report / 2004
Past Global Changes (PAGES) : status report and implementation plan / 1998
START implementation plan, 1997-2002 1998
Understanding our planet : an overview of the major scientific activities of ICSU and its partners that address global environmental change / 1996

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