Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 40
Showing: Items 1 - 40
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Geology Statistical methods)

Select Item Title Year Published
A performance evaluation of interpolation methods. / 1989
A Primer on Kriging 1986
A primer on kriging / 1986
Applied geostatistics / 1989
Applied geostatistics with SGeMS : a user's guide / Nicolas Remy, Alexander Boucher, Jianbing Wu. 2011
Environmental statistics, geostatistics, and chemometrics : annual report of research, 1990 / 1991
Evaluating subsurface uncertainty using modified geostatistical techniques / 1997
Fundamentals of geostatistics in five lessons / 1989
GEO-EAS (Geostatistical environmental assessment software) : programmers guide / 1990
GEO-EAS (Geostatistical environmental assessment software) : user's guide / 1988
Geo-EAS (Geostatistical Environmental Assessment Software) user's guide / 1989
Geo-EAS 1.2.1 : Geostatistical Environmental Assessment Software : user's guide / 1991
GeoENV I : geostatistics for environmental applications : proceedings of the Geostatistics for Environmental Applications Workshop, Lisbon, Portugal, 18-19 November 1996 / 1997
Geostatistical error management : quantifying uncertainty for environmental sampling and mapping / 1997
Geostatistics for environmental and geotechnical applications 1996
Geostatistics for environmental scientists / 2001
Geostatistics for natural resources evaluation 1997
Geostatistics for the environmental sciences : an introduction / 1987
Geostatistics for waste management : a user's manual for the GEOPACK (version 1.0) geostatistical software system / 1990
Geostatistics for waste management : a user's manual for the GEOPACK (version 1.0) geostatistical software system / 1990
GSLIB : geostatistical software library and user's guide / 1992
Internal Report: quality and physical suitability of several filters for soil extraction : Lynn K. Fenstermaker / 1990
Mining geostatistics / 1978
Model-based geostatistics / 2007
Model-based geostatistics for global public health : methods and applications / 2018
Multivariate geostatistics : an introduction with applications / 1995
Multivariate geostatistics : an introduction with applications / 1998
Nonparametric geostatistics / 1981
Practical geostatistics 1979
Spatial and spatio-temporal geostatistical modeling and kriging / 2015
Spatial statistics and computational methods / 2003
Statistical analysis of geological data / 1980
Statistical analysis of mining waste sample data / 1986
Statistics and data analysis in geology / 1973
Statistics and data analysis in geology / 1986
Statistics for earth and environmental scientists / 2011
Statistics for earth and environmental scientists [electronic resource] / 2011
Statistics for petroleum engineers and geoscientists 1997
Stochastic modeling and geostatistics principles, methods, and case studies / 1994
Uncertainty in the global mean for improved geostatistical modeling / 2011

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