Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Bituminous coal fields of Pennsylvania. 1928
Bituminous coal resources in Western Pennsylvania / 1974
Blackwater Falls State Park and Canaan Valley State Park : resources, geology, and recreation / 1971
Blaine and related formations of northwestern Oklahoma and southern Kansas. 1964
Blastomylonites associated with recumbent folds and overthrusts at the western edge of the Berkshire massif, Connecticut and Massachusetts 1975
Bottom sediments of the Straits of Mackinac region 1961
Bowie quadrangle, geologic and environmental atlas 1973
Brief geologic and hydrologic reconnaissance of the Furnace Creek Wash area, Death Valley National Monument, California 1964
Broken river : what happens when, not if, a great earthquake strikes on the New Madrid Fault beneath the Mississippi River? / 2004
Building the Cape Verde Islands [electronic resource] / 2011
Bulletin of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists. 1918
Buried valley of the Susquehanna River : anthracite region of Pennsylvania / 1950
California geology 1998
California rocks! : a guide to geologic sites in the Golden State / 2010
Cambrian and Ordovician rocks of southern Arizona and New Mexico and westernmost Texas / 1975
Carbonate bodies within the basal Swift Formation (Jurassic) of northwestern North Dakota / 1983
Carbonate bodies within the Basal Swift Formation (Jurassic) of northwestern North Dakota [cartographic material] / 1983
Carbonate Depositional Systems: Assessing Dimensions and Controlling Parameters The Bahamas, Belize and the Persian/Arabian Gulf / [electronic resource] : 2010
Carbonate Reservoir Characterization An Integrated Approach / [electronic resource] : 2007
Carbonate rocks of Cambrian and Ordovician age in the Lancaster quadrangle, Pennsylvania / 1968
Carbonate rocks of Cambrian and Ordovician age, Northhampton and Bucks Counties, eastern Pennsylvania, and Warren and Hunterdon Counties, western New Jersey 1965
Carbonates of the Lower and Middle Ordovician in central Pennsylvania / 1969
Carboniferous coal guidebook 1979
Careers in environmental geoscience 1996
Cascadia; the geologic evolution of the Pacific Northwest. 1972
Case concerning delimitation of the maritime boundary in the Gulf of Maine area (Canada/United States of America). Memorial / 1982
Casper area, Wyoming : Wyoming Geological Association guidebook, ninth annual field conference, 1954. 1954
Cataclysms on the Columbia : a layman's guide to the features produced by the catastrophic Bretz floods in the Pacific Northwest / 1991
Catahoula Formation of the Texas Coastal Plain : depositional systems, composition, structural development, ground-water flow history, and uranium distribution / 1977
Catalogue of publications 1994
Catastrophe in the Making The Engineering of Katrina and the Disasters of Tomorrow / [electronic resource] : 2012
Caves of southeastern Pennsylvania / 1974
Cecilton quadrangle (CEC) 1987
Central Florida Phosphate Industry Areawide Impact Assessment Program. Volume VI: Land. 1978
Central Utah Project Bonneville Unit Final Environmental Impact Statement 1973
Central Utah Project Bonneville Unit Final Environmental Impact Statement, Appendix A - Review Comments 1973
Changes in stratigraphic nomenclature by the U.S. Geological Survey, 1964 / 1965
Changes in stratigraphic nomenclature by the U.S. Geological Survey, 1972 / 1974
Characteristics of Chinese Petroleum Geology Geological Features and Exploration Cases of Stratigraphic, Foreland and Deep Formation Traps / [electronic resource] : 2012
Characterization of an Upper Permian Tight Gas Reservoir A Multidisciplinary, Multiscale Analysis from the Rotliegend, Northern Germany / [electronic resource] : 2013
Characterization of metamorphism through mineral equilibria / 1982
Chemical analyses of three Triassic diabase dikes in Pennsylvania / 1970
Chemical analyses of tuffs and some lava flows in Paleogene Formations in western Washington and northwestern Oregon 1996
Chemical and biological dynamics in two solution lakes : final report to the United States Department of the Interior, Federal Water Pollution Control Administration / 1967
Chemical and physical characteristics of water and sediment in Scofield Reservoir, Carbon County, Utah / 1985
Chemical effects of red clays on Western Lake Superior / 1979
Chemical effects of red clays on western Lake Superior : final report / 1975
Chemical fundamentals of geology / 1996
Chemical fundamentals of geology and environmental geoscience / 2015
Chemistry of phosphate and nitrogen compounds in sediments 2004
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