Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 11
Showing: Items 1 - 11
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Geology Stratigraphic Precambrian)

Select Item Title Year Published
Configuration of top of Precambrian basement rocks in Kansas / 1962
Geology and water resources of Deuel and Hamlin counties, South Dakota : part 1: geology / 1987
Geology of the Elmers Rock greenstone belt, Laramie Range, Wyoming / 1982
Origin of mineralized water in Precambrian rocks of the Upper Paraiba Basin, Paraiba, Brazil / 1972
Pre-Cambrian geology of the Boyertown Quadrangle / 1959
Precambrian basement map of Wyoming : outcrop and structural configuration / 1993
Precambrian basement map of Wyoming : outcrop and structural configuration / 1989
Precambrian structure map of North Dakota / 1988
The Precambrian geology of the Reading 15' quadrangle / 1962
The Precambrian in the subsurface of northwestern Pennsylvania and adjoining areas / 1968
Vein-type uranium environment in the Precambrian Lovingston Formation, central Virginia 1982

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